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Fire Bomb/Molotov Cocktail (Different from Satchel.)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by J-man2003, Nov 24, 2014.


Do you think this should be added?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

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Mods: Rainbows
  1. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    This is an idea I've had for a long time, and before you lock this thread, read my ideas.

    So since archers have fire arrows, it's only sensible to have fire bombs, these fire bombs would be buy able at the knight shop and cost 40 coins.

    So here's it's features:

    3-4 tile radius of explosion

    Acts like water bomb, has a long fuse and explodes upon impact with tile/blob

    As for looks it should either be a big wood ball with cloth inside or it should look like a molotov cocktail.

    EDIT: Of course, some unique new arrow type would be added to balance the fire bomb.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  2. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    already said this like 4 times but well: Devs wanted to make something archer-only, they removed satchels they added fire arrows, ta-da... so archers got more useful.
  3. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    Well to balance out the fire bomb there could be a unique arrow in the archer shop, and since fire is a dynamic and big part of the game it shouldn't be archer limited. I honestly think there could be a lot more unique arrows for archer besides a bunch of copies of the knight's arsenal. also add ideas besides that point please, it's sort of off topic.

    EDIT: Added point about archer balancing in OP
  4. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Sounds like a perfectly good waste of alcohol to me. Why use it to spread fire when you can use it to spread joy and cheerful drunkenness?

    Anyways, sounds a bit too OP. Essentially instantly setting things on fire with little chance to put it out. At least with fire arrows, there's a small delay where an opposing archer has a chance to shoot a water arrow at it. Plus, fire is one of those things that actually makes sense and is balanced the way it is. Yes, knights can't use it, but do they really need to, since they can slash wooden blocks?
    Apronymous and BillyWeedman like this.
  5. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Plus the developers want to work with whats already in the game, not add new things for the sake of adding things.
  6. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    1. You didn't read the rules of the section, and if you did. You would've searched for a thread similar to this before posting.
    2. There is already a thread for this idea: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/fire-bombs.20536/#post-297173

    Verzuvius and 101i like this.
Mods: Rainbows
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