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Fire Not Extinguishing

Discussion in 'Archive' started by xRPEx, May 17, 2013.

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  1. xRPEx

    xRPEx Shopkeep Stealer

    Category: KAG Client
    Operating system: Windows
    Build number: 753? (Can't remember, may have already been fixed, but haven't seen in any other threads)
    Description: Fire arrow ignites trap bridges (possibly other blocks too, haven't seen though), and it doesn't get extinguished by a bucket with water. It may reset the fire, but the fire arrow just keeps igniting the bridges and it can't be extinguished.
    Steps to reproduce: Fire a fire arrow at a trap bridge (don't know if that's the new name or not) and try extinguishing it with a bucket with water.​
    NOTE: I don't know if this has been patched yet, I haven't seen a lot of fire arrows hitting trap bridges. Lock the thread if it has.​
  2. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    Already been reported and fixed in an unreleased build.
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