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[Fixed] Debian 6 amd64 - No entity file ../Cache/entity.dat.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by EchoLynx, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. EchoLynx

    EchoLynx Catapult Fodder

    I can't play. The first menu window appears just fine, but the play button only produces a black window that immediately disappears.

    ian@Ian-Desktop-Debian6:~/kag_x$ ./rungame.sh
    Running KAG
    mv: cannot stat `KAG.tmp': No such file or directory
    PID: 6155
    Starting in directory: /home/ian/kag_x
    Changed directory to: /home/ian/kag_x/
    Engine (build: 281 version: 0.95A)
    Creating video device...
    Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0-alpha
    Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 16:22:28 UTC 2012 x86_64
    Using renderer: OpenGL 1.4
    Software Rasterizer: Mesa Project
    OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
    GLSL not available.
    Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/DarkMicroStone.png
    Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/BorderStone.png
    Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/MicroStone.png
    Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/SimpleStone.png
    Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/FramedStone.png
    Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/MenuItems.png
    Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/title.png
    Downloading http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/kag_news.rss...
    file Downloads/kag_news.rss
    Downloading checksums from http://kag2d.com/update/kag_x/App/version.txt
    Downloading http://kag2d.com/update/kag_x/App/version.txt...
    file Downloads/App/version.txt
    Version file the same (key matches)
    Using file 'Base/libJuxta.so'
    APP GameDLLInit
    Game DLL initialized.
    Changing game working directory to '/home/ian/kag_x/Base/'
    [] Config loaded from 'Scripts/autoconfig.gm'
    [] Variable g_sort has NULL type
    [] Variable m_generator has NULL type
    [] Variable auth_remember has NULL type
    [] * Config loaded from 'Scripts/config.gm'
    [0] Loading whitelist from Base/Scripts/securitysetup.cfg
    [0] Whitelist inactive.
    [0] Blacklist inactive.
    [0] Variable v_showminimap has NULL type
    [0] Variable v_postprocess has NULL type
    [0] Variable v_fastrender has NULL type
    [0] Variable v_drawhud has NULL type
    [0] Variable g_smallhud has NULL type
    [0] Variable g_fixedcamera has NULL type
    [0] Creating video device...
    Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0-alpha
    Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 16:22:28 UTC 2012 x86_64
    [0] Desktop resolution is 1280x1024
    [0] Checking driver support...
    [0] Initializing new video device...
    [0] Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0-alpha
    [0] Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 16:22:28 UTC 2012 x86_64
    [0] Starting vidmode fullscreen mode...
    [0] hdisplay: : 1280
    [0] vdisplay: : 1024
    [0] Using renderer: OpenGL 1.4
    [0] Software Rasterizer: Mesa Project
    [0] OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
    [0] GLSL not available.
    [0] Variable cc_killfeed has NULL type
    [0] Failed to compile shader Shaders/hq2x.frag
    [0] Variable u_showpremium has NULL type
    [0] Variable u_agreedterms has NULL type
    [0] The amount of upper corner pixels and the lower corner pixels is not equal, font file may be corrupted.
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/arrow_cursor.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/backtitle.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/title.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/Poster.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/minimap.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/hud_back.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/materials.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/paper_tiles.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/blockmenu.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/button.png
    [0] Loaded texture: /home/ian/kag_x/Base/GUI/whitebutton.png
    [0] Variable s_system has NULL type
    irrKlang sound library version 1.3.0
    Could not load libasound.so
    [0] Sound engine started
    [0] Variable s_showmixer has NULL type
    [0] Variable s_metronome has NULL type
    [0] Variable s_beatticks has NULL type
    [0] Variable s_mood has NULL type
    [0] Variable s_gamemusic has NULL type
    [0] Variable s_ambientmusic has NULL type
    [0] Variable s_menumusic has NULL type
    Game version 275
    [0] Variable sv_require_auth has NULL type
    [0] Variable sv_gold_only has NULL type
    [0] Variable sv_allow_globals_mods has NULL type
    [0] Variable sv_deltapos_modifier has NULL type
    [0] Variable sv_compression has NULL type
    [0] Variable cl_clantag has NULL type
    [0] Variable cl_sex has NULL type
    [0] Variable cl_head has NULL type
    [0] Variable cl_hat has NULL type
    [0] Variable sv_maxhack_warnings has NULL type
    [0] Variable sv_alloweditor has NULL type
    [0] Variable auth_key has NULL type
    [0] Precaching files...
    Precaching files.
    [0]  ...Precaching files.
    [0] Loading config defines Scripts/defines.cfg
    [0] Creating world from file ''
    [0] *Match Ended*
    [0] Autostart: doing nothing
    [0] Config loaded from autostart.gm
    [B]X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)[/B]
    [B]  Major opcode of failed request:  154 (GLX)[/B]
    [B]  Minor opcode of failed request:  181 ()[/B]
    [B]  Serial number of failed request:  607[/B]
    [B]  Current serial number in output stream:  759[/B]
    [B]No entity file ../Cache/entity.dat.[/B]ian@Ian-Desktop-Debian6:~/kag_x$
    Emphasis added.
  2. EchoLynx

    EchoLynx Catapult Fodder

    Won't run on generic display drivers. Once I installed the nvidia drivers for my 8500 GT (64bit and 32 bit) and ran sudo nvidia-xconfig I could play the game.