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Flubbie Bubbie ftw role play (serious real roleplay w map!)

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by godkirby, Sep 29, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. godkirby

    godkirby Bison Rider

    hi all kag lovers i have recently created a server that is full rpg and is serious and unserious. please email me at kirbysxd[at]gmail[dot]com for password (to prevent greifers) Admin is godkirby or kirby godkirby

    my server has many races and is a one of a kind. it has
    dark-lords or dark-realm
    and humans

    region specific
    elfs get the little island full of trees: leader Bubble1223: please use only wood

    Dwarfs get the underground and the dragon temple. leader (dont have one yet): please use stone or wood only

    darklords get the tower on the far left of the map : leader godkirby: please use stone and wood

    humans get the establishment on the far right : leader (dont have one yet): please use any material but lower health

    this is a special server due to the fact i can mod it to have mages etc...

    please join i insist its really amazing and super fun

    ps. email me for password
    </br>--- merged: Sep 29, 2012 12:45 AM ---</br>
    wait never mind about email just teh password is kirbykag
Mods: jackitch