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Full Version Help

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Bailey5, Dec 20, 2011.

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  1. Bailey5

    Bailey5 Shipwright

    I just purchased the new version and nothing has changed and I cannot find an option to update. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. what build is it on? also, you need to be more clear, did you download the game or buy premium for the game?
  3. Bailey5

    Bailey5 Shipwright

    I did but then it said i had bought it and everything but i don't like have the full game still the same as free and i re-downloaded it and restarted my PC i did almost everything.
  4. be more clear, did you download the game, then buy the full version (Premium)?
  5. Bailey5

    Bailey5 Shipwright

  6. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Have you activated your "gift code"?
  7. Ok, when you bough the game, an email was sent to your email address containing a "gift code" and a link to make your account full. click the link and enter the code to make your account full.
  8. Bailey5

    Bailey5 Shipwright

    Ok then how do i play it?
  9. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    If you're referring to the promised premium content, it's not available to the public yet; some of it is due to be rolled out in the near future-supposedly around Christmas--, but as of the moment you only get customizable heads, access to premium servers and community recognition.

    If you simply haven't redeemed your code, the instructions above will get you there.
    Kagesha and Valkyrie like this.
  10. Bailey5

    Bailey5 Shipwright

    Ok Thank You That Is What I Needed THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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