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Fullscreen & Alt-tab bug

Discussion in 'General Help' started by jjrat, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. jjrat

    jjrat Shipwright

    Running Win7 x64 w/ Catalyst video drivers. Both patched up-to-date. Playing KAG build 158.

    I have my taskbar setup on the left side of the screen instead of where it is by default, at the bottom of the screen. When running KAG in fullscreen, if I alt-tab out of the game and then switch back to it, the game screen shifts to the right by the width of the taskbar. If I alt-tab out and switch back in repeatedly, the game screen continues to shift to the right by one taskbar width each time and exposes the windows desktop. This can continue until the game window is completely out of sight in the fullscreen view.