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Game couldn't start, won't reinstall

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Technature, Oct 20, 2012.

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  1. Technature

    Technature Shipwright

    For some reason, my game wouldn't start, so I decided to reinstall it. When it does though, it says it can't cause I never gave administrative privileges.

    I've done everything I could to do this, but the computer itself seems to prevent me from doing this. This is especially strange cause I've never had to give privileges before.
  2. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    I'm guessing you use Windows. The computer is asking you for administrative privileges because uninstalling a program (KAG) affects other computer profiles. You have to log in to a computer account that has administrative privileges and then give the computer permission to uninstall. Of course, if you don't have Windows 7, ignore everything I've written.
  3. Technature

    Technature Shipwright

    There were several other things that wern't working. Restarting the computer fixed all the problems I had, including ones not related to KAG.

    Requesting lock.
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