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Game Crashes after pressing play

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Munchkin9, May 20, 2012.

  1. Munchkin9

    Munchkin9 Shipwright

    I don't really know how recently this started as I stopped playing for a long time but the game used to work and now it crashes every single time after pressing play on the launcher window.

    Right now what happens is I launch the game through Desura, it updates, the launcher window opens, I press play, sometimes I see a bunch of 'precaching' going on then it crashes with what I believe is the automatic crash report sender. Sadly I can't seem to get much more info than that as the console window closes before I can copy from it. I do have the console.txt and system.txt however, so I'll post those. Tell me if any other files are needed.

    Oh I'm running on Windows Vista, and my specs are just fine. As I said the game used to work before.

    Attached Files:

  2. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    hmm... from your console log I read out:
    [14:00:18] Config file not found 'Scripts/NameGen_OldEnglish.cfg'

    Guess your NameGen_OldEnglish.cfg is missing from your scripts folder.
    I will upload it in a sec.

    Edit: Here, download this http://www.mediafire.com/?ub117y1opip4csw
    And put it in your <root>\Base\Scripts where <root> is where your KAG.exe is located in.
  3. Munchkin9

    Munchkin9 Shipwright

    Wow hey that worked. Thanks a lot. Why was that file not included in the Desura install?
  4. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Bug that may have occurred during installation perhaps? (I'm not sure what Desura is, so I'm not going to comment on it :p). I think a reinstall could have fixed it as well. Anyway, happy to help, enjoy the game!
    Willyfrog likes this.
  5. Willyfrog

    Willyfrog Builder Stabber

    It happens in desura (linux version, at least) and in tgz from website too, so it migth be something wrong in the current build.
    A couple more files that seems missing:
    Kagesha likes this.
  6. AgeOfMe

    AgeOfMe Shopkeep Stealer

    I didn't know KAG was on Desura....
  7. Willyfrog

    Willyfrog Builder Stabber

    Bug reported: https://bugs.kag2d.com/view.php?id=478 (I didn't know there was a bugtracker :))

    @AgeOfMe: yes, you can either buy or just use the free version and then use your old account. It's also cheaper than the official page.
  8. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Thanks willyfrog I'll take a look at that (missing files)
    Willyfrog likes this.
  9. Willyfrog

    Willyfrog Builder Stabber

    great! hope it's just that and you can fix it easily :)