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Mac Game keeps crashing.

Discussion in 'Help' started by Robhax123, May 7, 2016.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. Robhax123

    Robhax123 Catapult Fodder

    I just bought the game today, and I went to go play and it turned on and everything and worked fine. However, when I tried to go on solo mode and play the tutorial, the game froze when loading and just crashed. It crashed for every mode I tried, and it's starting to get annoying. It loads the blobs but it gets stuck on the config and crashes. I hope you can help me with my problem, thanks!
  2. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Logs and screenshots/videos would be nice.
  3. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

  4. Robhax123

    Robhax123 Catapult Fodder

    This is the log I found when I looked at it, Couldn't post the rest since it was so big, but the rest said it loaded

    [12:07:23] Config file not found '/Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Security/ignorelist.cfg'
    [12:07:23] Loading ignorelist from Base/Security/ignorelist.cfg
    [12:07:23] Loading ignorelist failed - file missing or corrupt. A blank ignorelist file will be generated for you.
    [12:07:23] Creating video device...
    [12:07:23] Desktop resolution is 1280x800
    [12:07:23] Parsing available resolutions...
    [12:07:23] Best fit resolution (1280x800) too big for windowed mode, reducing...
    [12:07:23] Changing game resolution to 1280x800
    [12:07:23] Checking driver support...
    [12:07:23] Initializing new video device...
    [12:07:23] Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0-alpha
    [12:07:23] Darwin Kernel Version 12.5.0: Sun Sep 29 13:33:47 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2050.48.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    [12:07:23] Using renderer: OpenGL 2.1
    [12:07:23] Intel HD Graphics 4000 OpenGL Engine: Intel Inc.
    [12:07:23] OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
    [12:07:23] GLSL version: 1.2
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/arrow_cursor.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/TitleBackground.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/title.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/MenuHelp.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/hud_back.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/ChatTexture.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/blockmenu.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/button.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/whitebutton.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/HeartNBubble.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/DarkMicroStone.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/BorderStone.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/SimpleStone.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/FramedStone.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/PolishedStone.png
    [12:07:23] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/Bubble.png
    [12:07:23] Sound engine started
    [12:07:23] Precaching files...
    [12:07:23] Precaching files end.
    [12:07:23] Checking if update available
    [12:07:23] Loading script Entities/Common/Attacks/Hitters.as
    [12:07:24] Loading script Entities/Characters/Archer/ArcherCommon.as
    [12:07:24] Controls loaded from ../Cache/player1.dat
    [12:07:24] Controls loaded from ../Cache/player2.dat
    [12:07:24] Controls loaded from ../Cache/player3.dat
    [12:07:24] Controls loaded from ../Cache/player4.dat
    [12:07:24] Initializing Game Script
    [12:07:24] ############ GAMEMODE CTF
    [12:07:24] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/world_intro.ogg
    [12:07:24] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/MenuItems.png
    [12:07:24] Steam: grabbing auth ticket...
    [12:07:24] STEAM: Received steam ticket for account=319859970; Result 1
    [12:07:24] Steam: got ticket
    [12:07:27] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/popup_image.png
    [12:07:28] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/Rules/Challenge/ChallengeIcon.png
    [12:07:28] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/BrowserTabs.png
    [12:07:28] Loaded texture: /Users/ehaxh543/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/Rules/CTF/CTFGui.png
    edit by makmoud98 to put in spoiler
    --- Double Post Merged, May 13, 2016, Original Post Date: May 7, 2016 ---
    No reply? Is there any way to fix this because I've been waiting a week for a solution and yet no moderator or admin has replied to this thread in almost a week. It's really quite annoying that I bought a game that doesn't even work. Please get back to me and help me fix my problem.
  5. lisedupuis111

    lisedupuis111 Haxor

    I don't know your problem but you should send an email at support@thd.vg
  6. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    The bottom of the log would be the most valuable if you haven't posted it. At the moment I cannot see a problem, although my code skills are limited to Python etc and not this coding language.
  7. MoxyFoxy

    MoxyFoxy Shipwright
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    I've had a similar problem for 6 months now :/
  8. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Sorry in advance but going to @Geti

    Terribly sorry for this, but Ive seen numerous of people getting this issue, there was another on steam forums today...
  9. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Hmm, maybe caching problem. Could you guys compress the Cache folder inside the KAG.app? Then remove it and run the game again? If deleting it helps - then pleas attach the package to your forum post here.
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Letting Furai handle this as I dont have access to any Mac at all. MM is the one to bug about these things really, but good luck getting onto him.
  11. MoxyFoxy

    MoxyFoxy Shipwright
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    Sorry for not responding for a couple days; since I can't even play Kag I'm not on the forums much anymore.
    I'm not sure how I'd go about compressing the Cache folder, but I'll try. Just to let you know, I have uninstalled and re-installed KAG numerous times, and also deleted certain folders per others instructions, none of which helped (obviously).
  12. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    Same problem here, as noted in previous posts. I compressed the cache folder and removed it. Nothing seems to have changed. Still boots up and gets halfway through loading a match or solo play before crashing. A detail I haven't mentioned before that may or may not be helpful (my debugging knowledge is limited to less complex languages / systems) is that the game seems to bring up the user agreement page every time it runs, as if it was running for the first time.

    Another user (Kaizokuroof) seems to think this issue with macs may be related to permissions somehow. Through various methods, I could not confirm or deny this, but I am also not particularly literate in the workings of these things...

    One thing that all these mac users seem to have in common is that we are running 10.9 or below (at least the several that I have interacted with / seen posted. Everyone please confirm or deny this if you are able). I am running 10.8.5, and other users like Ranmage have fixed the problem by upgrading to a newer version of OSX. Hopefully something in here is a useful datum...

    Robhax123, what OS are you running?
  13. MoxyFoxy

    MoxyFoxy Shipwright
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    I'm also using 10.8.5, and your problem sounds exactly like mine.
  14. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    What about multiplayer?
  15. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    As noted above in my previous post, it gets to the match select screen, and you can select a match to join, but while loading it, it crashes halfway through every time. Same for solo.
  16. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    If you are using steam, try verifying the integrity of your game cache? I had problems when my game kept crashing, did that and found multiple files not there.
  17. KArth

    KArth Ballista Bolt Thrower

    the 4 OSX in my house cant run KAG at all, crashes instantly (steam or not)
  18. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    I have done that multiple times, sadly, and once out of 7 or so tries in the past several months of uninstalling / redownloading / reinstalling / trying it out etc. it found some missing files, but it acted the same after fixing it as it did before, and it has not found any problems since, while the behavior persists.
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey