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Gang Warfare.

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by Darksteel, Nov 3, 2011.


Should I make more?

  1. Yes, your mediocre work warrants more.

    11 vote(s)
  2. No, never suggest this crap again.

    1 vote(s)
  1. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    I just whipped this up, its a blue Archer with a pimp hat, blue hair and a shotgun.

    if you like it i will make more (I have already started on the melee unit.) I also made a streetlight to replace the trees, this has screwed up giving me large white squares behind my custom sprites... HELP????
    archerMale.png arrow.png archer_gibs.png
    alexkay likes this.
  2. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    ... There was a problem with this.... the background of the sprites appears as a white square... can someone tell me how to fix this?
  3. Headbomb

    Headbomb Shopkeep Stealer

    Use eraser(in Photoshp or another program)
  4. Hapistorique

    Hapistorique KAG Guard Tester

    Save it as .png, which is already the case... Some settings in your editing software
  5. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Can this be done in paint? its the program im best with.
  6. Hapistorique

    Hapistorique KAG Guard Tester

    Transparence can't be made using Paint (I'm pretty sure)
    IloveElectro likes this.
  7. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Damn, im not really good using other softwares... this sux
  8. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Paint.NET is a good intermediary program, if you're not ready for the complexities of GIMP and Photoshop or just don't want to learn them. It'll do transparency pretty effortlessly-if context allows, at least--, not to mention a lot of other stuff to make your pursuit easier.

    As for what you've got now, the shotgun's colors are really flat, and that particular shade of gray doesn't contrast with orange very well! I'd suggest fiddling with it.
    Valkyrie likes this.
  9. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Great! thank you Kyzak
  10. Eric

    Eric Shark Slayer

    Hey, tell us when you are done, because I love me some pimp hats
  11. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    An older version of paint (like XP SP2 and below) could handle transparencies, at least in GIF images. But, then that was cut out, and apparently antialiasing and the ribbon system are far more important right now than putting in legitimate paintshop features in it.

    paint.NET and gimp can do this, and are both free.
  12. Hunter0

    Hunter0 Shipwright

    I don't remember being able to have transparency in paint in SP2...
  13. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Like I said, it was a long time ago, I think it was limited to gifs only, it used a transparent background color and not and alpha layer like we see today, and it got replaced for some reason anyway during some SP upgrade. I recall using it 6-5 years ago in my computer science class for some sprites, but I couldn't use it on the same version of windows on my home computer which was a higher SP number (I think 2).