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Global mute

Discussion in 'General Help' started by shamuric, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. shamuric

    shamuric Builder Stabber

    Hi, I'm too technologically deficient to use the IRC (I have no idea what command to use to join a channel) so, sorry if I'm in the wrong forum thread thing but I think general help is my best bet.

    I have been muted, and not only on one server, its a global one.

    I've emailed support so I apologise again for the creation of this thread, it's just with the devs releasing 1.0 around the corner, I don't think they will bother with something as trivial as a player asking about his ban.

    Anyone know who I can contact?

    I spend a fair amount of time here so its annoying when you're telling this guy not to build ladders on the other side of your tower, and he just keeps doing his own thing.
  2. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

  3. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I am not aware of any global mute list.
    thebonesauce likes this.
  4. shamuric

    shamuric Builder Stabber

    Thanks for the replies

    I hadn't not been muted, it was just that a few players kept following me around servers and telling me I wasn't saying anything after the chat icon appeared, and I was gullible enough to believe them

    Problem solved!
  5. Kripis

    Kripis Drill Rusher

    Also you can use /join #kag to join the channel AND you can use this link which is more useful than the one Penguin posted since it's shorter and you can automatically change the username which you use at the start, irc.lc/quakenet/kag/username

    i.e I can change it to "irc.lc/quakenet/topiaonline/Kripis"