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Greifing accidently

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Darksteel, Nov 3, 2011.


Have you ever greifed?

Poll closed Nov 10, 2011.
  1. No, Never.

  2. YES! watching my teams hard work be destroyed makes me feel like a man!

    0 vote(s)
  3. yes... but it was an accident

  4. No, but i have seen it be done and not reported it.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Sometimes when i play as a Knight i accidently greif my team, it has only happened twice but i still want to confess.

    The first time i was on blue, and commited suicide, however i drew a bomb whilst doing this (this was when the controls were e+f= suicide) and destroyed my teams defendive wall.

    The second was quite recently, i accidently drew a bomb on my teams skybridge, i ran to throw it of the edge, but it detonated, it killed me and took out a portion of the bridge, knocking my allies into the fray.

    I just want to say im sorry, i feel no joy in destroying allied structures, if you were affected by my actions i just want to say... sorry

    if you have a guilty concience about greifing, accidently or otherwise, post it here.
  2. Hapistorique

    Hapistorique KAG Guard Tester

    It happened to me twice, when I wasn't paying attention and destroyed a block that made 3 or 4 other blocks fall down and killed 2 guys from my team
  3. Zegovia

    Zegovia Shark Slayer

    When i tried builder for the first time and i had no idea what i was doing. Once i built a catapult and started chuckin rocks in the enemies general direction and accidently wrecked a forward wall of our own so it got taken. Lesson of the day was to pay close attention to the battlefield. :/
  4. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    I apologize for destroying our skybridge; even though it had cost our team dozens of wasted lives - it was an impressive structure stretching most of the map and I should have used my head and just thrown away the spawn flag instead.
    Also for getting stuck in doors while holding a bomb a few times - but then I'd rather blame builders for poor base design there :d
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I grief just to make doors.

    I'm such a perfect boy.
  6. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    I destroyed 2 blocks to enter base after I had just found 60 gold on the battlefield, the only 2ppl to walk past kicked me before even saying anything :( The outpost I would have built would have won them the game (back when outposts were important)
  7. DutchKazuya

    DutchKazuya Shipwright

    I grief bridges if I need to go down (I don't grief bridges if it makes them fall), so not sure if that classifies at griefing.

    I have destroyed some of our skybridges in the past as a knight, I pressed f for bomb and tried to throw it, but I tried to do so when I was standing in front of a cata and in the previous builds that meant you would sit on the cata.
    Or if I accidently pressed f too early, or sometimes I press f twice by accident and drop a bomb on our base, I pick it up and throw it, but it lands on the skybridge -_-.
    These were all in the past builds, I got temp bans for some, which I sort of deserver even though it was an accident.

    I must admit I griefed while knowing in the past.
    I used to build skybridges to end stalemates on the ground but everytime they were between 50%-75% finished they were griefed, and maybe once the griefer was kicked, I lost faith in the community and griefed sometimes.
    This meant I destroyed pre-skybridges (I destroyed the 50 high block ladder) or I chopped all trees and put a ladder at the base and thereby ''deleting'' the tree, and I did that with all trees when 30%+ of my team was archer (previous build so no archer workshop), or I spammed spiketraps or spikes in general everywhere.
    I'm sorry for what I did and I realise it was wrong, but I sort of felt back then it was justified since nobody ever kicked griefers and therefore they didn't mind griefers.
    I never once thought of that I made someone feel exactly the way I felt so many times.
    Although in my cases I was griefed when I was nearly finished and I griefed only when they just started, but still.
    I regret doing all of it, instead of reporting the player.
    I got temp banned a few times, which made me only more angrier because the people who griefed me - which was more serious - weren't even kicked by the people in the lobby let alone some admin.
    I'm know trying to fraps people griefing - most of the time it fails and I get accused occasionally of doing it myself because I was near it (even though I was trying to prevent it in the first place).
    I can say that the last month I haven't griefed, but some week before that (my griefing period lasted one week only luckily) I did grief.
    I was lucky enough to keep beind stopped from griefing because I couldn't grief (I couldn't break the last block because it was too close to the spawn or something).
  8. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    lol KAG srs bzns
  9. DutchKazuya

    DutchKazuya Shipwright

    Talk English on the forum please.