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Griefers framing me and ban-ho admin idiot

Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by Dantedeathhermit, Jan 16, 2013.

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  1. Dantedeathhermit

    Dantedeathhermit Horde Gibber

    I was on Lolikam's hardcore RTDM server, I'm quite terrible with my bomb throwing so I accidentally hit my teammates a couple times and Jack-o-saurous said I had one more chance or I getting banned.

    So some FUCKING GRIEFER IDIOT on the other side says "Dante teamkilled me" and I get insta-banned.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:49 PM ---</br>
    I go back on the server, I ask jack if I can talk to him and he bans me anyway.
    Fucking idiot.
    I fucking hate you all you fucking jerks.
    every fucking game I fucking go on these fucking trolls break something and blame me, and the fucking admin believes them because I've made idiotci mistakes before so I'm automatically untrustworthy.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:50 PM ---</br>
    Why is KAG's comuntity such a clusterfucking troll-baiting griefing shithole of human life.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:51 PM ---</br>
    You all make me sick.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:51 PM ---</br>
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:53 PM ---</br>
    All I want to do is go on a nice server and have some fun and the fucking admin bans me for making a stupid mistake and then getting called a griefer by some fucking troll, and now Jack will not believe anything I may say to him because of that one fucking asshole cunt cocksucker sadistic cruel demon on human life's lie.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:54 PM ---</br>
    It's enough to make a guy wan't to end himself.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:55 PM ---</br>
    I can't go anywhere without meeting these assholes.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:56 PM ---</br>
    And every single one of them is a sadistic cunt that wants to fuck everyone else over for their own sweet sick enjoyment of feeling just that tiny bit more superior because they can make other people feel this way
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 5:57 PM ---</br>
    You all make me sick.

    I'm probably going to get banned from KAG forever for this.
    </br>--- merged: Jan 16, 2013 6:14 PM ---</br>
    Everywhere I go I meet sadistic b*st*rds that gain such sickly sweet enjoyment from watching other people squirm.

    And whenever I try to be nice the action gets branded as malice or with secondary, self-gaining, intent.

    Yet the sadistic A-holes get away with everything.

    People lie to everyone around them, people lie to themselves about everything around them, and lie to themselves about themselves.
    We are all capable of doing anything, no matter how cruel or immoral, even to our own degree of what is and isn't.
    We are all inherently evil and selfish creatures and nobody wants to accept this so we make up lies to cover over the ugly truths, many things also have an ugly mask over them to hide the even uglier truth beneath.
    Yet everybody wants to make something evil out of things that are not, such as those with physical or mental problems or people that are different gender, race, accent of speach or even just because they have something they're jealous of.

    Humans cover evil with untrue goodnes and hide goodness with untrue evil.
    You all make me sick, along with my own self.
    -Q likes this.
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You need a hug.

    Locking cause of high potential to get spammed/trolled.
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