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[GUI] How to Change Font Colors?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by RadioActive, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    //Please some moderator to add to the title "GUI" or sth like this. I think this subforum is more suitable to the subject than Modding. if im wrong, pls, replace it. Done.

    Yee. As the title says.. I don't know which part of the code is responsible for the color of the server names. I need to change it, for my texturepack.

    Anyone can help me? I would like to know in which file and which part of the code I should edit. I think it's somewhere in guiBrowser. I understand a bit html but it is something completely different for me :( I wouldn't want to change the background image.

    HALP ME! !!!

    Ps: I would like to have a light gray (#a1a1a1 ) font color for unselected servers and light green / lime font (#a6ff00) for selected server.