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hacking admin on fen'rtdm

Discussion in 'General Help' started by clover682, May 5, 2012.

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  1. clover682

    clover682 Catapult Fodder


    server: fen'rtdm

    time: 9:17 am

    proof: I don't have that much proof because i was on the map and he standed there doing nothing so i got out a bomb and then he just went speedhacking and killed me and won the match by hacking.i couldn't get a pic or video because he banned me before could get a pic. He saying that he's an admins on the server and said he can do what he wants including speedhacking;but i read the advanced teams and found he can hack even if he's an admin.thats all I know and have.


    (p.s. everone is invisable after i got banned so I can't see)
  2. Garreth

    Garreth Catapult Fodder

    Maybe you could post chatlog and console log from that game? There are stored in the Logs folder. Maybe guards could find other witnesses.
  3. Wired

    Wired Liberated Signature Monkey Donator

    Wired's Handy Guide To Finding Logs
    First find your KAG folder normally situated in C:

    Enter the KAG folder.

    Find the logs folder.

    Enter the logs folder.

    Find the log you need.
    In other new, you could of simply posted this here.
    Instead of making an whole thread. Maybe use that when reporting in the future?
    Riletyface likes this.
  4. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Also if it was an Admin that was using the editor he can't be banned, all you can do is talk with the server owner to find someone better or play on another server.
  5. Garreth

    Garreth Catapult Fodder

    He cant be banned on his own server, but he can loose his KAG account, which will make him banned on all servers. Just enough of evidence is needed.
  6. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Thats my point, he CANT lose his account.
    He was given the ability to kick and edit so its up to the owner to decide, playing around with the editor as admin isn't against the rules(griefing,hacking)
  7. Garreth

    Garreth Catapult Fodder

    clover682 mentioned that the admin was speehacking - not using the editor. Also the admin claimed that he can use speedhack as he is the admin, at least that is what the author of that topic is telling us. Using the editor is legal of course.
  8. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Ah, right.
    I thought that was editable now as I heard that people now can edit more stuff in CFG files etc.
  9. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    Closing this, has been posted in the appropriate thread. In regards to speedhacking claims it is mandatory to have video proof in order for something to be done about it.
    FliesLikeABrick likes this.
  10. clover682

    clover682 Catapult Fodder

    He wasn't using editor, he was using speedhack.
    </br>--- merged: Apr 18, 2013 3:08 PM ---</br>
  11. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Dear time-traveler, please don't useless posts on 1 year old topics :)
    Froghead48, link6155 and Varion like this.
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