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Handcannon/Granade Launcher

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by vivetas, Sep 16, 2013.


Is this a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 16, 2014.
  1. Yes

  2. No

Mods: Rainbows
  1. vivetas

    vivetas Nooblord Donator

    Few facts about handcannon:
    • Handcannon shoots normal KAB bombs to the very long range.
    • You will keep cannon ammunation (bombs) in your inventory.
    • After a shot hand cannon overheats like a drill but after few seconds you can shoot again. (Cant spam bombs everywhere)
    • Handcannon need to be researched and it will cost 100 gold (or might be in demolition shop?)
    • Handcannon aims like archer but with difrend sounds and range.
    • When carrying handcannon your player becomes slower.
    • When you press s while carrying cannon it will be like mounted bow and shoot faster also cooldown time will be 50% smaller.

    It would look a bit like this.

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2013
    HackerLUL and MrError like this.
  2. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    Been suggested before by many people and no we don't want cannons, there is enough explosives in this game already and it would be better to get something that does not blow up for once, it's already hard enough as it is to survive them due to bad latency servers have.
    Piano, HackerLUL and CrystalClear like this.
  3. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    This is pretty similar for Mortars for Builders, and 100g for Hand Cannons seems a bit cheap for what amounts to long range bombardment [compare to siege engines, and bomb arrows], and I don't really agree with the general consensus that limiting/adding mobility is an adequate means for balance.
    HackerLUL likes this.
  4. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    This really isn't needed, as you can already throw bombs pretty far if you know how. Also, if you want to blow stuff up at a range, just launch a lit keg from a catapult.... kaboom
    HackerLUL likes this.
  5. vivetas

    vivetas Nooblord Donator

    I don't think it's that cheap and long range bombardment is not that op that the prize should be higher.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 16, 2013, Original Post Date: Sep 16, 2013 ---
    This isn't and explosive this is a way to use one. There are 3 explosives in this game exploding arrow, bomb, and keg.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2013
    HackerLUL likes this.
  6. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    You do realise that the military supply factories make bombs for free?

    Also, any kind of long range bombardement can already done with ballistas or catapults, so this is not really needed nor necessary.
    HackerLUL likes this.
  7. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

  8. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    When it comes to destruction, you have:
    1. Mines [You can put them in interesting places for amazing damage, Slow to produce, 2/demo lab]
    2. Kegs [Very Slow Production 1/demo lab]
      1. Can be used with Catapults for devastating [and as far as I know] explosion damage on impact
    3. Ballistae [One per shop]
      1. Normal Bolts [You can Climb on them, and they still do considerable damage to walls, about 15/shop or something]
      2. Warheads [Simply use a Bomb Arrow on a Ballista, I think it applies to all the shots remaining in the thing, it pretty much melts walls]
    4. Boulders [30 or 50 stone per, they can do damage when tossed, and a bit too much, at that]
      1. Can be used with Catapults [It melts walls]
    5. Bomb Arrows [1/shop, not spectacular, can still be blocked when they stick, and can sometimes be rubbed off onto others/surfaces]
      1. [Can upgrade Ballista Bolts into Warheads]
    6. Bombs [3/shop]
    7. Fire Arrows [about 4/shop, only in the rare cases where water is inaccessible, and wood is used in buildings]
    8. Warboats [They do amazing damage when ramming]
    9. Long Boats [They are very fast, so they could more or less wear down a wall quickly]
    10. Catapults [1/shop, on first construction they have 100 stone, 10 stone/shot, they can quickly degrade walls, or lob very unsavory things]
      1. They can pretty much lob people, and things you can carry... which includes most of the above...
    11. Drills [100 stone per, can be used to undermine, counter mine, and absolutely wreck structures]
    12. Builders [Trust me, they can make Landoo, as an archer, look more palatable]
    SamuraiCupcake, Piano and HackerLUL like this.
  9. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    To sum up this conversation, we don't need a way to launch our bombs further, we all have the arm of a pro quarterback and we have our catapults
    HackerLUL likes this.
  10. It looks cool, but it would seem to bring an aspect that is already in the game, bomb arrows. I understand that people want to start adding new things to the game, but there is a limit. This is a game of arrows, swords and hammers, not gun powder cannons.
    HackerLUL and Galaxydog1 like this.
  11. vivetas

    vivetas Nooblord Donator

    I meant that to use this you need to research another technology which isn't cheap.
    HackerLUL likes this.
  12. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    He means, that it's probably a better idea [or more worth while] to throw the bombs, use catapults, or use a bomb to give you the position you need to throw multiple other bombs.

    I find the best use of explosives is upgrading a ballista to warheads, or throwing anything remotely explosive onto a catapult.
    HackerLUL likes this.
  13. H3llO

    H3llO Shopkeep Stealer

    i guess you forget to mention
    laser rifles/jetpacks/artillery/b52 bomber/n2-nuke/missile silo/holy grenade/mechs/chuck norris/kira/budspencer/godzilla/Rathian/Sephiroth/Headcrap/SuperMario/Giygas/Meatboy/Isaac/TheKid/Artorias/Creeper/Gooball/Patapong/LocoRoco/EyeofCuthulu/Nrvnqsr Chaos/MyLittleFireplace/Gomez/MarkedNinja/KratosAurion/Ben(drowned)/GianaMaria/Braid/Monkeylord/Lyndis/Yoshimitsu/four giants/AvatarofFrost/HabitatWalker/RazputinAquato/Crono/FusionDragon/Amaterasu/FaithConnors/GrayFox/Momohime/Elchulus/Kaine/VincentBrooks/Dante/Wander/Voldo/Ico/Sora/Sigma/DynaBlade/KingKRool/RayMk3/Sylux/R1-A FlyingDog/BladeMastorAlastor/NekuSakuraba
    -> my ridiculous big list of things you should not suggest
    if you can guess every Game to a mentioned Character without googling it i give you a copy of Torchlight2
    (50Games - all Game Characters are Uppercase)
Mods: Rainbows