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having a problem with choosing my controls

Discussion in 'General Help' started by hunniekiller, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. hunniekiller

    hunniekiller Catapult Fodder

    I am havinng a problem wiht my controlls.
    I can choose them as long I don't want to use the left mouse butten.
    when I left click and quikly hold right mouse butten I will get hte message to press the key I want.
    when I klick on my left mouse butten the key wil change to right mouse butten.
    and when I left klick it will change to middel mouse butten instead of left mouse butten.
    I can't record or have a youtube acount so I can't use those.

    I thought there was a option for edit my controls outside of the game.
    can somebody learn me that?

    the controls I want to edit are
    left mouse butten to right mouse butten(action one)
    and right mouse butten to left mouse butten(action two)

    the image is in the zip file ( sorry guys I can't work with those other options)

    Attached Files:

  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I saw your e-mail and don't quite get what do you mean. I can assign any button I want to assign without any problems - just using the options.
  3. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    He told me he doesn't get that pop up.
  4. hunniekiller

    hunniekiller Catapult Fodder

    yes I don't get the pop up as it have to be from a vid I saw.
    but I thought it is possible to edit the controls outside of the game.
    I think that will work for me.
    could someone learn me that?
  5. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Hi hunniekiller, sorry to hear about your issue.

    This may sound strange, but try this:

    Go to the control settings, as you have done.
    Left click once, selecting which action you'd like to change.
    Now, move the mouse and aim it at the castle (or anywhere outside of the controls menu).
    Now press the button in which you'd like to change to.
    Repeat for other buttons.

    I hope this helps you!