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Having trouble getting my server to appear in browser

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by cameltosis, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. cameltosis

    cameltosis Catapult Fodder

    I'm trying to get kag running on my old minecraft server, and i have it up and running no problem but my server doesn't show up in the server browser, nor are people able to connect from outside my own network, I have found through all my searching that it does show up on the not connectable list here. I'm at a loss here, I'm no pro with with linux but i had no trouble running a minecraft server and this seems like it should be even easier to setup.

    Any ideas on what else it could be?

    I have already set port forwarding even on the unnecessary ones

    Here's my most recent server log as well just in case.

    [18:29:22] Config loaded from 'Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm'
    [18:29:22] * Config loaded from 'Scripts/config.gm'
    [18:29:22] Creating video device...
    [18:29:22] Checking driver support...
    [18:29:22] Initializing new video device...
    [18:29:22] Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.0-alpha
    [18:29:22] Precaching files...
    [18:29:22]  ...Precaching files.
    [18:29:22] Loading config defines Scripts/defines.cfg
    [18:29:22] Creating world from file ''
    [18:29:22] Loading names from Scripts/NameGen_OldEnglish.cfg...
    [18:29:22] Server created on 0:50301
    [18:29:23] Server is identified as to the API as
    [18:29:23] Loading security from Base/Security/securitysetup.cfg
    [18:29:23] Whitelist inactive.
    [18:29:23] Loading blacklist from Base/Security/blacklist.cfg
    [18:29:23] Blacklist empty.
    [18:29:23] Config file not found 'Security/seclevs.cfg'
    [18:29:23] Loading security levels from Security/seclevs.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading default security levels
    [18:29:23] name = Rcon
    [18:29:23] ID = 0
    [18:29:23] users =
    [18:29:23] roles = rcon;
    [18:29:23] commands = ALL;
    [18:29:23] features = admin_color; always_change_team; ban_immunity; editor; freeze_immunity; join_full; kick_immunity; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; silent_rcon; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses; view_console; view_rcon;
    [18:29:23] assign =
    [18:29:23] name = KAG Staff
    [18:29:23] ID = 1
    [18:29:23] users =
    [18:29:23] roles = kagstaff;
    [18:29:23] commands = ban; banhost; banid; freezeid; help; kick; kickhid; kickhost; kickid; list; listbans; login; msg; nextmap; players; restartmap; swapid; unban; unbanhost; unfreezeid;
    [18:29:23] features = always_change_team; ban_immunity; freeze_immunity; join_full; kick_immunity; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses; view_rcon;
    [18:29:23] assign =
    [18:29:23] name = Guard
    [18:29:23] ID = 2
    [18:29:23] users =
    [18:29:23] roles = guard;
    [18:29:23] commands = ban; banhost; banid; freezeid; help; kick; kickhid; kickhost; kickid; list; listbans; login; players; swapid; unban; unbanhost; unfreezeid;
    [18:29:23] features = always_change_team; freeze_immunity; join_full; map_vote; mark_any_team; mark_player; name_mouseover; pingkick_immunity; skip_votewait; spectator; view_collapses;
    [18:29:23] assign =
    [18:29:23] name = Normal
    [18:29:23] ID = 3
    [18:29:23] users =
    [18:29:23] roles =
    [18:29:23] commands = help; list; login;
    [18:29:23] features = map_vote; mark_player; spectator;
    [18:29:23] assign =
    [18:29:23] Server activated.
    [18:29:23] Loading game rules from Rules/RTDM/gamemode.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loaded team 0 'GUI/emblem1.png'
    [18:29:23]  Loaded team 0 class 0 'GUI/knight_icon.png'
    [18:29:23]  Loaded team 0 class 1 'GUI/archer_icon.png'
    [18:29:23] Loaded team 1 'GUI/emblem2.png'
    [18:29:23]  Loaded team 1 class 0 'GUI/knight_icon.png'
    [18:29:23]  Loaded team 1 class 1 'GUI/archer_icon.png'
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Migrant.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Zombie.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Skeleton.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/ZombieKnight.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Bison.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Wraith.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Actors/Greg.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/FullCTF_Room.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Sandbox_Room.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Portal.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/CTF_Room.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Rooms/Zombie_Room.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Lantern.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Keg.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Crate.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Boulder.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/Rope.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Items/TreasureChest.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Managers/ZombieDirector.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Effects/Light.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Structures/Door.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loading blob config from Entities/Structures/Pulley.cfg...
    [18:29:23] Loaded RTDM default config
    [18:29:23] Config finished loading from Scripts/Server/dedicated_autostart.gm
    [18:29:23] *Match Ended*
    [18:29:26] *** RCON password is not set, you won't be able to remotely administrate the server
    [18:29:26]        ********* WARNING *********
    [18:29:26] sv_allow_globals_mods is set to 1. This means GLOBAL GUARDS AND ADMINS can administer your server and kick players to help prevent griefing. If you do not accept this, please turn this variable to 0.
    [18:29:26] Server variables can be changed in Base/Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm (by default)
    [18:30:18] * cameltosis connected (admin: 0 guard 0 gold 1)
    [18:30:24] /quit
  2. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    I got the same, my server wasn't in the server list until I open the port 443. After it work.
  3. cameltosis

    cameltosis Catapult Fodder

    what is port 443 used for?
  4. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    50301/udp Used to listen for connections.
    50328/udp Used to communicate with clients.
    80/tcp Used for autoupdates.
    443/tcp Used for API (server list, auth, minimaps, etc) server communication.
    cameltosis likes this.
  5. acridstone

    acridstone Horde Gibber

    |_directly from the wiki
    WarrFork likes this.
  6. cameltosis

    cameltosis Catapult Fodder

    Oh, haha thanks for pointing it out i must have missed that, but i did forward that as well and still no luck, any other suggestions?
  7. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Did you added it to firewall exceptions ?
    cameltosis likes this.
  8. cameltosis

    cameltosis Catapult Fodder

    Ok that did the trick, it turns out when i updated Linux last time it had restarted the firewall (i usually leave it off as there is nothing on it except minecraft/kag now) and issue is resolved!
    Thank you for the assist.