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heads issue

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Horlf, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Horlf

    Horlf Shipwright

    Hi there good sires,
    I happily bought the premium version to support the game dev and I registered the code I received by mail on KAG website. In game, I can't change head, I mean I can select one in the settings menu but I doesn't change in game.
    I tried unistall/reinstall : same.
    Thanks for your help.
  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Did you die once after you tried changing your head?

    If you didn't, then that's probably why. A recent issue with some of the builds is that they won't display your selected head until you die for the first time. After you respawn for the first time, you should have the correct head as long as you stay on the server.

    If you did die and your head hasn't appeared, then their may be a different issue, and I probably won't be able to help you.
    Noburu likes this.
  3. Horlf

    Horlf Shipwright

    That worked, many thanks !
  4. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    No problem.