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[Help] Custom Shops, controlling who wins and other stuff

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by MechaTrickster, May 28, 2012.

  1. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    First of all my question is, is it possible to add custom shops to a non-premium server, if so what shops and how do I do it.

    My second problem is limited lives with 3 teams. Whenever a certain team runs out of lives and all of them are dead the Reds win automatically no matter how many lives the other team has left. How do I fix this?

    Third, how do I turn off teamswitching altogether

    Fourth is how do I assign certain teams certain stats, do I just make a copy of the current .txt file edit to what I want and change the filenames?
  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    1.) Yes. Incarnum has done this on his servers, however it's fairly limited. He made an "all purpose shop" which sold bombs and arrows and he made a "decoration" which just made empty shops that did absolutely nothing but just show their sprite and he made it possible to upgrade shops for lower prices. You can do that by editing the Room.cfg that you load up.

    You do this by changing stuff in the room.cfg. Follow an example similar to the one shown here: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/how...an-i-buy-gold-stone-or-wood.6265/#post-106044

    2.) Not possible to fix currently as 3+ teams isn't fully supported yet.

    3.) You can't really prevent people from switching teams period. You can only prevent them from being autosigned

    4.) Not really sure it's possible to change the class modding.cfgs to be seperate for each team. However, you can at least give each team a different amount of hp, armor and starting mats, bombs, arrows and the number of lives they have. It should work something like this:
    • In your rules folder, make a copy of the archer.cfg, builder.cfg and knight.cfg. Rename them to each set a red_archer.cfg and blue_archer.cfg (do the same with builder and knight).
    • Change the configs as you need for each team (number of bombs/arrows/ mats they get)
    • In the team1.cfg change it so that it references the new teams. Team1 will be blue and Team2 will be red. (this line: classes = Rules/CTF/builder.cfg; Rules/CTF/knight.cfg; Rules/CTF/archer.cfg)
    • Change the configs you need there as well
    It'd be nice if the class modding configs were in each of the classes to allow for different stats, but too bad.