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Help paying for Poseidon :(

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by YaRoL1, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. YaRoL1

    YaRoL1 Drill Rusher

    Hello, i am yarol1 i have 12 years olds and i pay the Poseidon's servers ([FR] kag2d Poseidon and [FR] pixel's mini-poseidon)
    Im not rich and i pay 38 $ a lots of english people play on this server and i want help for pay :)
    The link for help me (mobile pay and more) :http://hgspanel.hostedgameservers.com/pay.php?user=Yarol1&getlink=true
    (Hosted by Hostedgame servers)
    Thanks if you help me :D
    (Im swiss and i am not rich)

    P-S.: I dont learn english, and sorry for my bad english ;)
  2. Skurcey

    Skurcey Catapult Fodder

    ulllttrraaaa cuuuuute !
    Ej and inactive_account like this.