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Heres a crazy bug

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Doom6464, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Doom6464

    Doom6464 Guest

    I was playing on this server and this guy was stuck on a unbreakable rock,He asked for help but dident speak good english
    but heres a screenshot of him stuck in it.
  2. Hyypallo

    Hyypallo Guest

    I think it's quite common bug to get stuck somewhere, especially if one is playing as a builder. As far as I know, if the brick is of bedrock, only way to get off from it is to commit suicide or get killed.
  3. Doom6464

    Doom6464 Guest

    Well he was a soldier and he was russian so he dident know what to do,He stood there for like 5 mins.
  4. Hyypallo

    Hyypallo Guest

    Well, it would be too good to be true if every player became familiar with game controls and mechanics BEFORE playing the game, or at least in-game... :P