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Linux How am I suppose to run a server dear developers ?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Leo, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    40 slots, full server after a while goes to almost 4 GB of memory usage and it crashes. Is this a linux problem only and is there anything I can do about it ? Thanks.

    *It's a linux server. didn't see the prefix.
    UnnamedPlayer likes this.
  2. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

  3. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I passed this and what you said on IRC on to Geti and MM, hopefully they'll be able to give it some time
    HardPenguin likes this.
  4. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    I have now reduced the slots to 30 and running the server through gdb. If it crashes I'll have logs.
  5. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    What gamemode are you using? Can you post your configs here or e-mail them to me (ryan@u13.net)? You can of course remove your rcon password
  6. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    I have sent you the files. I am running CTF
    </br>--- merged: Apr 13, 2013 1:15 PM ---</br>
    CTF crashed today after about 2 days. gdb logs sent by PM