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How to install KAG on Ubuntu?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by delankski, May 17, 2012.

  1. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Guys i want to ask how to install KAG on Ubuntu 12.04?
    Newbie UBUNTU here.
    Because i removed Windows 8 Consumer Preview and change it to UBUNTU , i don't feel nice with W8CP on my laptop.
    Do i need to install Wine HQ? and run the (For Linux) KAG "unknown file type" with WINE HQ?
  2. prostosuper

    prostosuper Haxor

    It seems like KAG isn't in Ubuntu repositories, so simply download it from the official website, extract the archive and launch KAG file from the KAG's root directory.
  3. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    In terminal:
    wget http://kag2d.com/en/download/kag_x.tar.gz
    tar -zxf kag_x.tar.gz
    You'll find the files in your home folder.
  4. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Thanks but why is it bit laggy?
  5. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    Do you have your drivers in check?
  6. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Tried to search or click Additional Drivers but it seems there's no download or support for Mobile Intel(r) 4 express family chipset.
    Can you help me find that , Driver download :)
    Thanks :)
  7. silidur

    silidur Builder Stabber

    Guys, can u help me?, i have the KAG game but when i click on KAG file nothing happend :S how can i play? i try to ./rungame.sh and ./nolauncher.sh too but it said: KAG file doesnot exist :S (sorry for my bad english :( )
  8. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    Install wine HQ :D
  9. silidur

    silidur Builder Stabber

    :( i have virtualbox with XP on it, but i want play in ubuntu :)
  10. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    dude i tried it with ubuntu but it is soooo lag so i don't want to play KAG in ubuntu anymore
  11. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    That means you probably need to install video drivers to support hardware acceleration on your computer - you are probably on the generic drivers which do not make use of advanced video cards.
  12. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    using virtualbox and wine lags kag down as the computer has to go use resources on unnecessary processes. just cut the middle man out and run it on ubuntu with updated drivers because u cant rely on the pre installed universal ones.
  13. allknowingfrog

    allknowingfrog Bison Rider

    For the record, Linux Mint is probably the most user-friendly disto, especially for a new Linux user. Fedora and Ubuntu both gave me a lot of video driver problems (which cause KAG to lag, among other things) and other headaches. I recently switched to Mint, and I will never go back.

    One of my favorite things about KAG is native Linux support. You just extract the Linux download and it's ready to play. You definitely shouldn't have to use WINE, and I would discourage you from doing so.
  14. silidur

    silidur Builder Stabber

    Dude, can you tell me exactly how to run KAG on linux with out wine?, i tried but i cant :(
  15. allknowingfrog

    allknowingfrog Bison Rider

    These are the exact instructions I follow for Linux Mint, but they should be almost identical to any major Linux distro. Let me know if they don't work for you.
    1. Go to http://kag2d.com/en/download and click "Linux Download."
    2. You should get a dialog box asking you how to open "kag_x.tar.gz." Open with Archive Manager (this is probably the default option).
    3. Archive Manager will open with a window that says something like "kag_x.tar.gz [read only]."
    4. Click "Extract" near the top of the window and you'll get a new dialog box. The default settings should be fine. Choose the folder where you want KAG. You'll probably want your home directory (the one with your name), which is also the default.
    5. Click "Extract" at the bottom right and you'll have a new folder called "kag_x" wherever you chose to extract it.
    6. You should get a dialog box with the option to "Show Files." Click "Show Files" to open the folder where you extracted kag_x.
    7. Go into kag_x, and you'll see KAG. You should be able to double-click KAG to run the game.
    In order for sound to work under Linux, you'll probably need to download the ALSA development files, which you can search for in your software center. https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/fix-linux-no-sound-at-all.6/
    Aoi likes this.
  16. silidur

    silidur Builder Stabber

    Thank you, i did it and i can run the game now, but when i put my pass and my user this appears
    "Authentication failed; the authentication server may not be functioning properly
    please go to https://forum.kag2d.com or e-mail support@thd.vg if the problem persist. Please include the details below:
    Curl Error in getMyinfo(); Timeout was reached"
    I searched into the forum and i found two posts with out solution, (well, was solved automatically)... this only happens to me on linux, in windows i can play fine, someone have the same problem?
  17. allknowingfrog

    allknowingfrog Bison Rider

  18. RizexInferno

    RizexInferno Catapult Fodder

    Can someone please help me with this. Im a MAJOR newb at this linux ubuntu stuff and I want to play a game like minecraft or terrarria and I thought that this would be a good solution. The only problem is that I dont understand how to run the file. I cannot find it. Im at the folder right now that says kag-linux32. I open it and get lost. can someone guide me through where to go?