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How to make a Map rotation

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Jezntof, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. Jezntof

    Jezntof Shipwright

    How can I make a map rotation ? What file?

    Please cause When I try to put my custom map, The server Automaticly put the flat map :(

  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    First of all you need to locate mapcycle.cfg , at Base/Scripts . The syntax is very strict and you can see an example in the comments (lines starting with # are comments):
    # eg. mapcycle = Maps/example1.png; Maps/example2.png; Maps/generator_flat.cfg; Maps/swordfight.gm;
    You have to reference the directory (I suggest you put all your maps in Maps), you also have to make sure everything is case-sensitive (i.e. Example1.png is not the same as example1.png, maps != Maps) and that there's a semicolon ; between the maps you're referencing.