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i cant buy KAG

Discussion in 'General Help' started by shamok, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. shamok

    shamok Shipwright

    I cant use paypal because i havent got card so can i buy the game any other way?It is very cool game and i want to play full version.Please help me.
    P.S. I am from Russia and sorry for my bad english))
  2. Chiplink

    Chiplink Shipwright

    You can buy 'prepaid creditcards', but I don't know if they sell them in Mother Russia. If not maybe you can lend the creditcard from your parents (if they have one) and pay them back with cash that you have somehow earned.
  3. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    I have to used a prepaid credit card and I haven't been bothered yet because the in is $20 and I don't know what to spend the rest on. And I'm lazy like the wolf
  4. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You can top up your paypal balance with a regular bank transfer, as long as your bank allows you to send money overseas i guess.
  5. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    What purchase methods does desura provide?