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Mac I can't play the game.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by 99sheiks, May 31, 2013.

  1. 99sheiks

    99sheiks Builder Stabber

    Whenever I start up KAG, on the news page it says "Error: Cannot Read the news today..." and when I click "Play"
    the game auto-closes. I downloaded it again, to no avail. When it downloaded, it came in a .zip file, like usual. In the disk image for KAG, it come with an Applications folder and KAG. Am I supposed to drag KAG into the Applications folder, or what?

    I am running mac OSX 10.6.3.
  2. Go into your kag folder. Then into "App". Then Delete "version". Your kag system will re-update itself once you press play after that.
  3. 99sheiks

    99sheiks Builder Stabber

    Thanks, will do. I love this game and have been playing for a long time.
    Much thanks,
    Varion likes this.