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I donated, but no premium status

Discussion in 'General Help' started by kyttike, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. kyttike

    kyttike Guest

    So i just donated, but i cant access the editor. I watched video about the editor, but i got no email with a code
    If any staff could reply on this, i will pm them the transcation information.
  2. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    You don't get a code anymore. You just get the editor. Head into the editor menu click on editor and login to premium, then you need to generate or select a map. Once you've done that click ESC again, return to the editor menu, click on editor and click start editor, and there you go.
  3. kyttike

    kyttike Guest

    Thank you alot!
    Its working. No time to write longer post, to EDITING!11
  4. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Have fun :)