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I have two problems.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by pablolo99, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. pablolo99

    pablolo99 Catapult Fodder

    Every time structures fall on me or someone just destroys a corpse the game gets choppy for a few seconds.
    Is there a way i can remove gibs or if there is another fix that would be great

    Also what program is required to open the .gm files?
  2. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    There isn't a way to disable gibs, but it was suggested a while back.
    And I don't know the answer to your second question.:oops:
    EDIT: You could always check the box in the audio settings that says "check this if the game is choppy or slow."
  3. AdrianC

    AdrianC Haxor Tester

    Leoprime likes this.
  4. Leoprime

    Leoprime Shopkeep Stealer

    (Not really sure what you mean by "choppy".)

    • Go to KAG\Base\Sprites
    • Find the [class]_gibs.png (for each class)
    • Move them into another location (if temporarily) or delete them