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I just want to play this game.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Snix, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Snix

    Snix Guest

    I doubt this will be answered soon seeing as it's 1 right now but I'm having a few issues I would really like resolved.

    Firstly, I have yet to receive an email confirming my account has been created, it's been several hours. The page said they sent me an email and it didn't.

    Secondly, I can't log in. I've been trying on and off since about 3 this afternoon and all I get is "Master authentication failed: wrong password supplied" I know it's the right password, I use it all the time everywhere. At first I thought it was because I hadn't gotten an email to authenticate my account or something but after reading the forums I don't think it's that.

    Thirdly, I read somewhere that you can still log into a server via their IP address but after trying several servers none of them work either, it just says "failed to connect to server".

    Fourthly, I may have created a few surplus accounts in an attempt to play the game. I rather not bog down your system with a bunch of dummy accounts so I wouldn't be upset if you got rid of them.

    My IGN should be: Snix
    And my email is: Soup96 [at] gmail.com

    //EDIT by Furai: altered mail address to make hard time for bots.
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Ok, I'm going to pass it to responsible for it staff members, thanks for report.
  3. Beef

    Beef Guest

    I'd edit your email to be something like Soup96 (at) gmail (dot) com, so it doesn't get picked up by bot trawlers too.
  4. poe

    poe Shopkeep Stealer

    I activated your account, it should work now. Sorry about this.
  5. Snix

    Snix Guest

    Thank you. I appreciate the prompt response.