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KAG I need a file?!

Discussion in 'Help' started by Johncenahasnoballs, Oct 21, 2013.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. Johncenahasnoballs

    Johncenahasnoballs Builder Stabber

    So, Basically when I start 'KAG' the engine on the left says; CURL Error : Timeout was reached.It says I need a file called 'version.txt' which is located @ App, I currently need the file & It would be great if someone could give advice on how to help?

    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 21, 2013, Original Post Date: Oct 15, 2013 ---
    Sigh, No one will help.This is the KAG Community *sigh* KAG was meant to be out on steam last week too it still hasn't even came out.I'd rather much stick to TF2 Way better Community.
  2. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    U'm Why dont you just redownload the game. You could also use a different title. I think the "I need a file" thing made it seem like your need someone to make a mod or something, I don't know. There was a announcement about the steam thing and you could also use IRC.
  3. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Don't blame community. Plus, your title explains nothing.
    This file just contains info of latest version. It is used to check if any files has been modified, and updates it.
    You have a problem to reach the KAG servers. Try modifying antivirus/firewalls parameters.
    amgtree likes this.
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey