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I need help allowing players to join my server?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Deathspawn, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Deathspawn

    Deathspawn Shopkeep Stealer

    Nobody seems to be able to connect to my server. It has really low ping and it's at the top, so I don't understand. What have I done wrong?
    global g_debug = 0;
    global g_precache = 1;
    global k_rendersync = 0;
    global m_width = 600;
    global m_height = 250;
    global m_seed = 0;
    global n_graph = 0;
    global n_log = 0;
    global n_filechunk = 8192;
    global s_soundon = 1;
    global s_volume = 1;
    global s_effects = 1;
    global v_width = 1024;
    global v_height = 768;
    global v_bpp = 32;
    global v_fullscreen = 0;
    global v_driver = 0;
    global v_vsync = 0;
    global v_showfps = 0;
    global g_playerlistkey = 9;
    global g_screenshotkey = 115;
    global g_reportbugkey = 116;
    global g_tutorialkey = 112;
    global v_smoothsprites = 0;
    global v_smoothmap = 0;
    global v_screenshotquality = 99;
    global c_dimension_x = 1;
    global c_dimension_y = 0.9;
    global c_bgshow = 1;
    global c_fontfile = `GUI/Fonts/commodore.png`;
    global c_bgcolor_a = 255;
    global c_bgcolor_r = 11;
    global c_bgcolor_g = 24;
    global c_bgcolor_b = 147;
    global c_fontcolor_a = 255;
    global c_fontcolor_r = 109;
    global c_fontcolor_g = 136;
    global c_fontcolor_b = 237;
    global c_linespacing = 1;
    global c_indent = 1;
    global c_key = 192;
    global c_prompt = ``;
    global c_history_size = 20;
    global c_halign = 2;
    global c_valign = 0;
    global cc_dimension_x = 0.4;
    global cc_dimension_y = 0.095;
    global cc_bgshow = 1;
    global cc_fontfile = `GUI/Fonts/pixel.png`;
    global cc_bgcolor_a = 125;
    global cc_bgcolor_r = 10;
    global cc_bgcolor_g = 10;
    global cc_bgcolor_b = 35;
    global cc_linespacing = 1;
    global cc_indent = 8;
    global cc_key = 13;
    global cc_channelkey = 163;
    global cc_history_size = 25;
    global cc_halign = 2;
    global cc_valign = 2;
    global u_transparency = 255;
    global u_guiconfig = `Scripts/gui.cfg`;
    global u_showtutorial = 1;
    global u_shownames = 0;
    global n_disconnectwait = 1000;
    global sv_maxplayers = 16;
    global sv_ip = ``;
    global sv_port = 50301;
    global cl_port = 50328;
    global n_master_ip = `master.kag2d.com`; // Master server IP address.
    global n_master_port = 51308;
    global sv_password = ``;
    global sv_rconpassword = `drwho`;
    global sv_gold_only = 0;
    global cl_name = ``;
    global cl_classnum = 0;
    global cl_team = 0;
    global cl_joinaddress = ``;
    global cl_password = ``;
    global auth_autologin = 0;
    global auth_login = `test`;
    global auth_password = `test`;
    global sv_name = `DS CTF`;
    global sv_info = `This is my test capture the flag server, contact me (Deathspawn) for issues regarding gameplay.`;
    global w_camera_poslag = 3;
    print(`Config loaded from 'Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm'`);
  2. Your isp or your router is probably blocking the first port that listens client connections. Make sure all 3 ports are acessible outside your local network and start havin fun.
  3. Deathspawn

    Deathspawn Shopkeep Stealer

    I have, see:
    Or do I need to do something more complicated than that?
    And what's port forwarding? How do I do it?

    EDIT: 50301, 50328 and 51308 are all ports, which are set on UDP.
  4. are you sure you have correct tcP and udp ports opened?
  5. Deathspawn

    Deathspawn Shopkeep Stealer

    No. I just set them to what they say on the wiki, and then selected UDP for all of them.
    Which port is supposed to be TCP?
  6. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Nah, it's this:
    global sv_ip = ``;

    That IP should be the public IP that your ISP gives you. For example if you go here: http://www.whatismyip.com/
    Right now you only have it set to a 192.168.x.x address which is a private address, so only people on your home network can see it. Anyways, go to that website, use that IP for that line and you should be good to go. Maybe
  7. Deathspawn

    Deathspawn Shopkeep Stealer

    Now it just crashes the dedicatedserver.bat.

    EDIT: I am connecting to my modem with a wireless connection stick.
    Would that have anything to do with these problems?
  8. Most probably is dedi is working on such unstable connection
  9. Deathspawn

    Deathspawn Shopkeep Stealer

    What is dedi?

    EDIT: Can you just tell me what's wrong? This is confuzzling!
    </br>--- merged: Apr 12, 2012 4:27 AM ---</br>
    Here, if this helps:
    I got this quickly before cmd shut down.
  10. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    The error you're getting is usually from having the wrong ip set, or if the server is already running.

    You could try using a different port for it, though I'm not sure if that'd fix it.

    I'll direct FliesLikeABrick here, maybe he can help you.

    Also, don't post this on the forums, it'll allow others to access your remote console and can kick/ban people from your server.
    Boxpipe likes this.
  11. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    If you're doing this at home, it is best to just leave this field blank (``)

    Have you logged into your router and forwarded the port(s) needed for KAG? http://portforward.com will help you with instructions.
  12. BlueCat

    BlueCat Catapult Fodder

    Deathspawn what have you been up to
  13. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    If you're on a wireless network you have to do a NAT route or something isn't it ?