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Ingame Player Reporting System

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Catakus, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Now first off, this idea is for when lobbies and such are implemented, not in the current state.
    There should be a way to send an alert in game to get a Guards' attention if someone is breaking the rules on the server. Since we can't be on all servers at all times, speedhackers and griefers can take over servers not being watched. They could open the menu and call a mod to the server with a quick description of what is happening, like how you can call a GM in MMOs. Of course, there would be some instructions clearly stating that abuse of said system will have consequences (like telling a mod there is a speedhacker, but then asking them to change the map or some menial task when they get on).
    This would then alert any mods that are playing to swoop in.
    Other ideas to make it a bit more advanced:
    Let a mod mark the alert if they are planning on going to do it, so several mods don't go after the same player.
    I know the server can detect speedhackers and possible greifers. Maybe have some notification when the message is sent if the server is detecting a greifer or speedhacker (for guards that don't know this, watch the rcon when someone is greifing or speedhacking. It will start posting the player ID, saying what they are doing, and count how many times it has happened).
    Carver, Contrary, illu and 2 others like this.
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Catakus and Neat like this.
  3. Hapistorique

    Hapistorique KAG Guard Tester

    Would be awesome :)
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    As always I'm few steps before. I talked about it with MM few weeks ago - I wanted to make it a bit different way. Make some secret IRC channel for Guards where for example \admin command issued from clients console would be forwarded to that channel through some bot, it would be something like temporary solution. And long-term aim would be to do what Catakus suggested.
    Kagesha likes this.
  5. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

    wouldn't hurt to have the IRC addition since i know i spend more time on IRC then i do playing KAG :o.