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Internal Server Error

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MasacruAlex, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. MasacruAlex

    MasacruAlex Guest

    I decided to get this awesome game but all I can do is play single player :( and it looks so good...

    Whenever I go to log in online I get "Internal server error", I allowed it through firewall ( was already allowed since it did update good) anyway must I do what to play?
  2. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Have you tried turning off your firewall?. I know its 'dangerous' but as soon as you finish just do a quick virus scan and you should be good. I had to do it to get Warcraft III working online on my laptop. Also, have you tried resetting or checking the settings on your modem/Ethernet cable?
  3. MasacruAlex

    MasacruAlex Guest

    Just did mate, same thing :(

    edit OK it works now for some reason, i retyped my info tho it was strictly the same and it works, done that earlier to no avail but now works. FIrewall is on :P
  4. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Ah okay, good to hear it works now anyway... Dont greif though!!!