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Windows IRC dissconect.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by q17, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. q17

    q17 Guest

    Hello, I was trying to get onto the "IRC" and I pressed "Join Chat" it came up with, This stuff and it will not let me on may someone please help me. It says:

    [17:51] qwebirc v0.92
    [17:51] Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project.
    [17:51] http://www.qwebirc.org
    [17:51] Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
    [17:51] == +++ Using backend leibniz_theta
    [17:51] == +++ I hear you.
    [17:51] == +++ For Adun!
    [17:51] == Connected to server.
    [17:51] == *** Looking up your hostname
    [17:51] == *** Found your hostname
    [17:51] == Signed on!
    [17:51] == Welcome to the QuakeNet IRC Network, q17249
    [17:51] == Your host is webchat.nl.quakenet.org, running version u2.10.12.10+snircd(1.3.4a)+webchat(0.0.1)
    [17:51] == This server was created Thu Nov 24 2011 at 15:37:28 CET
    [17:51] == webchat.nl.quakenet.org u2.10.12.10+snircd(1.3.4a)+webchat(0.0.1) dioswkgxRXInP biklmnopstvrDcCNuMT bklov
    [17:51] == MAXNICKLEN=15 TOPICLEN=250 AWAYLEN=160 KICKLEN=250 CHANNELLEN=200 MAXCHANNELLEN=200 CHANTYPES=#& PREFIX=(ov)@+ STATUSMSG=@+ CHANMODES=b,k,l,imnpstrDducCNMT CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 NETWORK=QuakeNet are supported by this server
    [17:51] == There are 16 users and 51724 invisible on 40 servers
    [17:51] == 61 operator(s) online
    [17:51] == 40410 channels formed
    [17:51] == I have 346 clients and 1 servers
    [17:51] -webchat.nl.quakenet.org- Highest connection count: 3623 (3622 clients)
    [17:51] == - webchat.nl.quakenet.org Message of the Day -
    [17:51] == - 2010-2-23 22:49
    [17:51] == - ** [ webchat.nl.quakenet.org ] ****************************************
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - Welcome to the QuakeNet IRC Network!
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - ** [ Rules ] **********************************************************
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - This network may NOT be used for:
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - * Flooding (including flood/clonebots).
    [17:51] == - * Distribution of copyrighted material (eg, warez, mp3,
    [17:51] == - movies) or pornography.
    [17:51] == - * Channels dedicated to cheats designed to cause unfair
    [17:51] == - advantage in multiplayer games.
    [17:51] == - * Clones. http://www.quakenet.org/faq/faq.php?c=128
    [17:51] == - * Attempts to takeover existing channels.
    [17:51] == - * Attempts to disrupt network services.
    [17:51] == - * Racism and/or Nazism.
    [17:51] == - * Spamming and/or advertising.
    [17:51] == - * Hacking (including Virus/Trojan distribution).
    [17:51] == - * Actions we, the operators, regard as abuse.
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - For more details of the network's terms of service
    [17:51] == - please visit http://www.quakenet.org/rules/
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - Continued use of this server indicates acceptance of these conditions.
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - Violation of the network's rules will result in kills and possible
    [17:51] == - network-wide access bans.
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - ** [ Information & Help ] *********************************************
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == - Many common problems are explained on the website http://www.quakenet.org/faq/
    [17:51] == -
    [17:51] == Disconnected from server:
    [17:51] == Disconnected from server:
    [17:51] == Disconnected from server:
  2. Raron

    Raron KAG Guard Tester

    For future you can type /rejoin or type again /join #kag.
    Web-browsers crash often. So I recommend you use a client.
  3. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Sometimes Quakenet bans some IPs using webchat (idk, maybe because of spambots). Running it with IRC client solves the problem.
    dnmr likes this.