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Is KAG causing a soft reboot?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Johannus, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. Johannus

    Johannus Shipwright

    When I enter a game, local, or multiplayer. After some condition is met, my computer will reboot itself. Only KAG, only when I get close to the enemy side of the map, or see an enemy trap bridge trigger down then back up.
    Is it possible that KAG is making a bad memory write, leading to a system call?
    If so, does anyone have an idea of how I can fix this.
    I realy like KAG, and I do get to play on my fiance's MAC from time to time. However I would realy like to get it working on my computer.

    If you require any information like DXdiag, or other such logs/system specs, please let me know and I will try to update my post asap.

    Thank you for your time.
  2. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

  3. Johannus

    Johannus Shipwright

    Not sure what the cause is. When I get to any part of a map where the other team has a trap bridge, if anyone including me, triggers the enemy trap bridge, the computer reboots itself.
    Im running KAG on windows XPsp3 all updated.
    Yes only when I play KAG.
    No I dont know anyone else that plays KAG.
    The macOSX build that I play works fine so far.
    If anyone has a lead on this problem under windows I would really appreciate the heads up.

    Thanks for the response :)