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Rejected "IslandInvasion" by Didgedy

Discussion in 'CTF' started by Ni, Oct 11, 2019.

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  1. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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  2. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    Nice resource spread, bit too much stone imo, accesing gold during building time can be frustrating, ratting would be rather hard on this map but it is
    possible to flood it all despite bedrock stoppers. (1). Prebuilded flagroom is no for me, same with bison that is unnecessary addition that would bring nothing to gameplay same with that dinghy, and bit too much gold on start, there is 12 blocks with is to 240 gold. I say no.
    01.png (1)
  3. Magmus

    Magmus Ballista Bolt Thrower Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    Too much gold, and a random bsion that would just make one team life miserable. I dont care much about the flagroom, but the giant lake is not fun, the dinghy will be used for the first 2 people and the rest of the team will need to swim, lake could be smaller or have a mini bridge to help travessing. As all didgedy maps, it needs more bedrock to prevent rats from just drilling from side A to side B
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 21, 2019, Original Post Date: Oct 14, 2019 ---
    Oh I think I forgot, its a no.
  4. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    I think we can reject this one.
  5. mehwaffle10

    mehwaffle10 Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    The big lake adds nothing, and worst case people dig moats in front of their flag towers. I think prebuilt stuff is fine if it's not too significant. The bison is dumb and people will drill with water. No from me
  6. Ferrezinhre

    Ferrezinhre Haxor Mapping Moderator Official Server Admin

    Ni reject this one.
  7. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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