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Issues with bombs_default & arrows_default

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by darDar, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    Hey I´m now running a Server which is using my own gamemode (actually CTF with some minor changes)
    Sadly I got problems with the configuration of the bombs_default & arrows_default.
    I wanted to have unlimited arrows for archers but since "-1" as a parameter does not work I have just selected a quite high one.
    For the knights I wanted to have 1 bomb per spawn.
    So when the map starts the archer arrow amout is "250" and the Knight spawns with 1 bomb.
    If I die with each class and respawn there are no arrows or bombs left any longer.
    I hope you see the problem. If anyone could reply on that issue I would be quite happy.

    If you want to have a closer look I can grant you SSH/FTP - Access to my Server.

    Archer config:
    # rules for game class
    # description:
        inventory =
        name = Archer
        tool = Archer
        emblem = GUI/archer_icon.png
        actor_name = runner
        actor_config =
        actor_sprite_male = Sprites/archerMale.png
        actor_sprite_female = Sprites/archerFemale.png
        actor_heads_size = 16
        actor_heads_male = Sprites/MaleHeads.png
        actor_heads_female = Sprites/FemaleHeads.png
        default_health = 1.0
        default_armor = 25.0
        stone_default = 0
        wood_default = 0
        gold_default = 0
        arrows_default = 100000
        bombs_default = 0
        stone_warmup = 0
        wood_warmup = 0
        gold_warmup = 0
        arrows_warmup = 100000
        bombs_warmup = 0
    # rules for game team
    # description:
        classes = Rules/CTF/knight.cfg; Rules/CTF/archer.cfg
        name = Blue Team
        emblem = GUI/emblem1.png
        teamcolor = 29; 133; 171
        unit_count = -1    # units in team = unit_count * number of players; 0 one life; -1 unlimited
        score_limit = 3    # score_limit; 0 no limit
        spawn_type = 0
        stone_warmup = 1500
        wood_warmup = 2500
        gold_warmup = 100
        arrows_warmup = 500
        bombs_warmup = 1
        stone_amount = 150
        wood_amount = 250
        gold_amount = 10
        arrows_amount = 100000
        bombs_amount = 2000
    Knight config:
    # rules for game class
    # description:
        inventory =
        name = Knight
            tool = Knight
        emblem = GUI/knight_icon.png
        actor_name = runner
        actor_config =
        actor_sprite_size = 32
        actor_sprite_male = Sprites/knightMale.png
        actor_sprite_female = Sprites/knightFemale.png
        actor_heads_size = 16
        actor_heads_male = Sprites/MaleHeads.png
        actor_heads_female = Sprites/FemaleHeads.png
        default_health = 1.5
        default_armor = 0.0
        stone_default = 0
        wood_default = 0
        gold_default = 0
        arrows_default = 0
        bombs_default = 1
        stone_warmup = 0
        wood_warmup = 0
        gold_warmup = 0
        arrows_warmup = 0
        bombs_warmup = 1
    </br>--- merged: Mar 23, 2013 5:20 AM ---</br>
  2. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    "arrows_amount = 100000"?
  3. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You are referring to the archer class at the ctf folder instead of the fctf folder at team1.cfg :)
    HardPenguin and darDar like this.
  4. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    magic..... wtf I have checked every line and didn´t see that.. :>:(:
    Working now thanks :)