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It happened again! Hearts bug?

Discussion in 'Modding Help' started by eric999, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. eric999

    eric999 Bison Rider

    It happened again!
    No matter how much hearts I set on my server, its always 2 hearts! I don't know why it won't change into the specified number.
    I did do it correctly, default_health = 2.5 - for knight, but it doesn't show 5 hearts in game!

    I need assistance ASAP.
    Please help.
  2. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    show me knight file, team file and gamemode
  3. eric999

    eric999 Bison Rider

    -----Gamemode ------

    teams = Rules/Minigame2/team1.cfg; Rules/Minigame2/team2.cfg; Rules/Minigame2/team3.cfg; Rules/Minigame2/team4.cfg;

    gamemode_name = Minigames!
    gamemode_info = Welcome to minigames, have fun!\nRules: no hacking, glitching, building/breaking, spamming bombs and killing players(especially admins).\n Map made by Eric999, Teemey and eragon200012.

    # match time formula is = m*(a*sqrt(b*x)) where x = number of players in team; m = map size/difficulty 0.8<=m<=1.2;
    match_time_formula_a = 5
    match_time_formula_b = 32
    match_time_override = 30 # minutes / overrides time formula / 0 unlimited time / -1 don't override

    daycycle_speed = 5.0 # 1 day = X minutes; / 0 no cycle
    daycycle_start = 0.5 # 0.0 midnight; 0.5 - midday; 1.0 midnight

    timepassed_teamwin = -1 # which team wins when time passes (-1 none)
    break_time = 9 # break_time * number of players - seconds
    break_time_static = 20 # overrides break time if present, gives break time without player count linkage
    minimum_players_inteam = 0

    autoassign_teams = yes
    autoassign_classes = no
    autoassign_inventory = no


    ---------teams --------

    classes = Rules/Minigame2/knight.cfg; Rules/Minigame2/archer.cfg;

    name = Knight Minigamers
    emblem = GUI/emblem1.png
    teamcolor = 39; 138; 0

    unit_count = -1 # units in team = unit_count * number of players; 0 one life; -1 unlimited
    score_limit = 0 # score_limit; 0 no limit

    spawn_type = 0

    stone_warmup = 0
    wood_warmup = 0
    gold_warmup = 0
    arrows_warmup = 0
    bombs_warmup = 0

    stone_amount = 0
    wood_amount = 0
    gold_amount = 0
    arrows_amount = 0
    bombs_amount = 0



    inventory =

    name = Knight
    tool = Knight
    emblem = GUI/knight_icon.png

    actor_name = runner
    actor_config =
    actor_sprite_size = 32
    actor_sprite_male = Sprites/knightMale.png
    actor_sprite_female = Sprites/knightFemale.png
    actor_heads_size = 16
    actor_heads_male = Sprites/MaleHeads.png
    actor_heads_female = Sprites/FemaleHeads.png

    default_health = 2.5
    default_armor = 0.0

    stone_default = 0
    wood_default = 0
    gold_default = 0
    arrows_default = 0
    bombs_default = 0

    stone_warmup = 0
    wood_warmup = 0
    gold_warmup = 0
    arrows_warmup = 0
    bombs_warmup = 0


    Thanks you for the help! :thumbs_up:
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 28, 2014, Original Post Date: Feb 28, 2014 ---
    and also, extra info, I can set it, its just that when I spawn it wont be 5 hearts, it spawns with 2 hearts, ill have to heal to get it to 5 hearts, still, it resets after death.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  4. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    so when 1st guy will die , the 2nd guys spawn with 5 hearts ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2014
  5. eric999

    eric999 Bison Rider

    No, all players. But after making a new gamemode, (like the one now). its normal, but the others are still the same
  6. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    compare both gamemodes and you will see problem.
  7. eric999

    eric999 Bison Rider

    Ok, thanks. :-)
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 6, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 3, 2014 ---
    In gamemode.cfg the variable attackdamage_modifier should be equal to 0.5 ( attackdamage_modifier = 0.5 ) this is the default.
    So the hearts in you classes config files will be doubled the amount you have (i.e 0.5 = 1 heart, 2.5 = 5 hearts).
    But if you change it to 1 (this is what I did) the hearts will not be changed.
    The variable kind of works like a multiplier.