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Mac it won't let me use multiplayer

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Xurxes, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Xurxes

    Xurxes Shipwright

    any help, it says the authlication server is down all the time. So i can't log in
  2. Sir_Walter

    Sir_Walter Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Did you buy the game? O.o
  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

  4. adamitude

    adamitude Base Burner

    This post is a month old, but I can help. I use a mac as well (OS Mavericks).

    1. Make sure you have the latest update for your mac. Mavericks is free, and contains all of the previous updates, features, and fixes. It can be downloaded from the mac app store, and if you don't even have the app store, you can find Mavericks on apples official site. :)

    2. Make sure both Steam AND King Arthurs Gold are closed. If they aren't, force quit them.
    -- Launch steam, and login. Make sure you're in online mode.
    -- Launch KAG, and you should be brought up the option to connect your kag with steam. If you aren't, then you're already logged in. Good luck!

    If you need anymore help, just reply ::D: