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It's a bug? Knight

Discussion in 'General Help' started by DUZ, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester


    He's flying to the left, to the right and don't fall. Like walking on the air, without gravity...

    Bug? Cheat?
  2. May be a cheat since he is :D ing the whole time. Never seen that before. Haven't played as long as others though. Could be a bug
  3. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    Bug, somtimes when a map re-loads, a bug happens, where you can see a clone of yourself that can't hurt anyone, but CAN effect ground (mining), also if it was a clone of you as a knight (can't change it by changing your own form, only what it cloned at the start) you can stack yourself with it and solo-shield fly glitch. Im sure that kinda thing will be fixed in this upcoming patch.
    trelawney likes this.
  4. Oh, I didnt think that would what it was. Usually we can't see wachother's twins. I have 4 of me following me though. Camera would swith between them so I didnt know who was the real me ):
    DUZ likes this.
  5. ShadowArchon

    ShadowArchon Catapult Fodder

    I've seen something similar on smaller servers, where a player goes on a high tower and flies straight across the map. without going down or up.