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I've been unrightfully banned!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Drammoth, Feb 29, 2012.

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  1. Drammoth

    Drammoth Catapult Fodder

    Hello, today at 29th of Febuary I've been falsely banned.

    I was just playing as a buider and in need of wood. Because our wood was being chopped by archers, I decided to go look for something destroyed or unused to scavenge from. I stumbled upon this half-destroyed spike trap with team bridges and chopped out each second bridge block, so you could still walk on it and no problems at all, and to be efficient. Someone saw me do as said and decided I was 'griefing'. He then spammed chat with words such as "GRIEFER", "NOOB" and "BAN HIM", full caps. A few moments later an admin arrived which I cannot remember his name correctly, but something with "wolf" in it. He froze me and asked me if I was griefing. Ofcourse I replied with no, so he said: "stay here and ill be back". I didn't really have a choice because I was frozen (lol). Then a spectator told him it wasn't me and told me better not to leave if I didn't want to get banned. So I stayed, asked why and I was told to be unfrozen in a minute. Then all of the sudden people around me were making fun of me, emotes with laughing faces in it and middle-fingers (dunno why thats even in the game, but okay). Then three people somehow managed to vote to kick me and I was kicked. Now I'm trying any server and I'm banned, probably because I left, but not on purpose, I was kind of forced to, as I didn't have a chance to stay.

    I hope this is clear enough to convince you, and thanks for the time and work in advance.

    I've definately learned and won't touch other's creations (even though they will).

  2. Gonna have to take it up with the server admin, as that's the only one that can do much about it. Find the thread for the server you were banned on and tell him what happened and he will unban you if he's convinced.
  3. Drammoth

    Drammoth Catapult Fodder

    I don't think there is a thread for that specific server, can't remember the name of the server nor the admin either.
  4. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    There is no guard with the name "wolf" or something. So it can only be a server admin/moderator. If you really want to know his/her name check out the console-/chatlogs in the "Logs" folder (obvious isn't it?). If you can't find the server you played on in the Server Directory then try to contact him via PM. If he doesn't answer then you have to wait until the ban expires. There's nothing we can/will do here.
    But anyway: Read the Help Section Rules.

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