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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by Rider339, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Rider339

    Rider339 Bison Rider

    Server: Black Death CTF

    Time: About 12:10- 12:20 pm

    PL janek.png
    Chat Logs
    [11:58:24] Janek26112 left the game
    [11:58:30] Janek connected as Janek26112
    [11:58:31] PL Janek (Janek26112) has joined Blue Team
    [11:58:31] Janek26112 is now known as PL Janek
    [11:59:14] <*FdE* Rider339> * builder nneeeded *
    [12:00:38] stanley94 left the game
    [12:01:20] Stanley" connected as stanley94
    [12:01:21] Stanley" (stanley94) has joined Blue Team
    [12:01:37] Amalgam left the game
    [12:04:15] °~° ~TakaOtaku~ ° connected as TakaOtaku
    [12:04:16] LTG °~° ~TakaOtaku~ ° (TakaOtaku) has joined Red Team
    [12:04:16] TakaOtaku is now known as LTG °~° ~TakaOtaku~ °
    [12:05:06] TakaOtaku left the game
    [12:06:24] <*FdE* Rider339> * a keg in the right position will bring that tower down *
    [12:07:07] °~° ~TakaOtaku~ ° connected as TakaOtaku
    [12:07:08] LTG °~° ~TakaOtaku~ ° (TakaOtaku) has joined Red Team
    [12:07:08] TakaOtaku is now known as LTG °~° ~TakaOtaku~ °
    [12:08:06] <Red_Owl> * need explosive =( *
    [12:08:12] Egi connected
    [12:08:13] Egi has joined Blue Team
    [12:08:14] Manu_The_Bomber connected
    [12:08:15] Manu_The_Bomber has joined Red Team
    [12:09:19] <Aloque> wtf
    [12:09:24] <*FdE* Rider339> * seal that tunnel up *
    [12:09:30] <SMP Montagu - SMP> Nice lagging, kurwa
    [12:10:16] <SunPaz> nice one
    [12:10:28] Red Team's flag has been picked up by stanley94!
    [12:11:15] Red Team's flag has been returned due to teamwork!
    [12:11:45] <SunPaz> shit
    [12:12:22] Tazer_ connected
    [12:12:23] Tazer_ has joined Red Team
    [12:13:15] TakaOtaku left the game
    [12:13:24] Tazer_ left the game
    [12:14:39] <Aloque> ahahah
    [12:14:54] <Aloque> cheater in blu team
    [12:15:14] <*FdE* Rider339> * builders move in and secure the middle island *
    [12:15:18] <*FdE* Rider339> * we have it under control *
    [12:16:01] Jennifer connected
    [12:16:03] Jennifer has joined Red Team
    [12:17:14] <Red_Owl> * gg *
    [12:18:13] Red Team's flag has been picked up by Janek26112!
    [12:18:57] Red Team's flag has been returned due to teamwork!
    [12:19:27] <Jennifer> Hack
    [12:19:51] <Aloque> Their's a fucking cheater
    [12:20:06] <Gildart Clive> yep so gay =_=
    [12:20:18] <Aloque> VOTEKICK JL
    [12:20:28] <Aloque> VOTEKICK PL HANEK
    [12:20:39] Aloque (Alakokan) has joined Blue Team
    [12:20:48] --- A Vote was Started by Alakokan ---
    [12:20:50] --- Rider339 Voted In Favour ---
    [12:20:51] --- Steve_Stifler Voted In Favour ---
    [12:20:51] --- McZhe Voted In Favour ---
    [12:20:51] --- strngr Voted In Favour ---
    [12:20:52] --- Egi Voted In Favour ---
    [12:20:52] Vote Kick Passed! Janek26112 will be kicked out.
    [12:20:52] --- Vote Passed 5 vs 0  [5 required] ---
    Reason: Speed Hacking

    Comments: When the vid starts watch the mini map on the far left, you will see a blue moving very fast and then he kills someone with he's speedhack showing he's name on the top right. He will then move very fast across to the right and you will see him moving very fast as he goes by me on the main screen. When he gets to the right you can see on the minimap where he mines very fast on the enemy walls and you can hear the sound of he's pick axe mining going very fast, he dies in the collapse of one of the red's buildings again showing he's name on the top right. In the 2nd clip again watch the minimap on the right where you will see 2 blue dots. 1 of them is him and again you will hear the very fast mining sound and see he's dot zoom up near their flag. When he picks it up, you will see he's name on the bottom right in the chat box where he picks it up, after which you will hear some more fast ming sounds as he makes he's escapse only to eventually be killed showing he's name in the top right as well.

    The Screenshot attached shows the scoreboard with he's name. I've also added the chat log as well

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2014
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Reported by a Guard. Banned.