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Just got the new update, game shut off after completed, broke

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Gunnar, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Gunnar

    Gunnar Catapult Fodder

    Disabled Norton

    I got the update, but after it finished the game disappeared and I tried running it again by clicking the shortcut but then it said it was either moved or deleted and it just asked me if i wanted to delete the shortcut. I just deleted the shortcut and downloaded the game again.

    Well, the shortcut did not appear so I searched the files and found it, ran it, and it updated again but did the same thing it did last time and just exited itself after it completed. I open it again, this pops up again:

    "The item 'KAG.exe' that this hsortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer work properly. Do you want to delete this shortcut? Yes/No"


    What is wrong? I have windows 7, this has not happened before with me
  2. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    Its somthing with the new net code connecting to CPU Ports that makes your Anti Virus think its dangerous, so it deletes it, im still waiting on their confirmation of whether or not it IS a virus somhow hacked in, or just an error that we would let through our anti virus.
  3. Gunnar

    Gunnar Catapult Fodder


    i forgot as well anyway to say I have mcaffe or however it is spent antivirus
    </br>--- merged: Apr 23, 2012 9:06 PM ---</br>
    oh, i also have norton it turns out

    i just saw a thread as well that says norton has had a problem with kag as well

    so how can we play?
  4. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    See the other forum, i posted how to restore and prevent norton from criticizing KAG in the future.
    Gunnar likes this.
  5. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    If Norton breaks the game for you, please go to http://www.norton.com/fp and report it so that it can get fixed! We (the developers) are not able to get it fixed without you guys reporting it, because you are the Norton users/customers. The more reports there are, the faster they should fix it.
    BlueLuigi and Gunnar like this.