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Kag & 3G Internet

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Axeleration, May 24, 2012.

  1. Axeleration

    Axeleration Catapult Fodder


    I recently moved so I had to ditch my old Internet and settle for a 3.5G Internet (5mbit/s).
    Problem is that I cant seem to connect to any of the servers, even downloading server list takes minutes.
    Sometimes, I do get a connection for just a second and then it disconnects.

    While this might seem like a problem in my end, I am able to play other on-line games(e.g. shooters) without a problem with a steady ping. I also tried it on another computer with a fresh windows install, to see if for example any background programs have cause this, but alas, results were the same.

    I would also like to note that updating and even downloading the kag setup from the main server takes hours (10kb max, it seems).
    But for example, from Steam, I am able to download with 500-600kbit/s.

    So, is this problem acknowledged for 3g users, or maybe there are suggestions I can try out?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Best Regards,
    Axel. R.
    Ghozt likes this.
  2. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Just to clarify - by 3g do you mean you are connecting through a cellular data connection?​

    If so, do you really anticipate an enjoyable gaming experience through a cell phone connection? 4G/LTE maybe, but 3G can have very very high latencies

    I cannot really speak to the problems joining servers, but the netcode for downloading the server list will be completely replaced within the next few releases, so that should improve.
    delankski likes this.
  3. Axeleration

    Axeleration Catapult Fodder

    Just to clarify, I am not connection to Internet using phone, but through an USB modem.

    And the latency, can't be an issue in this case.. I mean, how come is this then the only game which is affected?
    I did manage to connect a server which is located like 100 km from me, but the ping was about 1200 and it imminently disconnected me.
    When I tried pinging the same server through command console it showed me steady ~70 ms ping.

    I am not expecting miracles, but maybe something can be done.

    One more thing.. a theory.. that maybe because the connection with the master server is lagging, its having an effect to any server I connect as well.
  4. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    That has nothing to do with kag, I used my phone as a modem before with a 1.8mbit 3G connection and kag was working better than with the stupid wifi I have at home :>:(: