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kag engine has stoped working!!!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by flipperz, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. flipperz

    flipperz Shopkeep Stealer

    When i click run the client the Cmd loads then the client bar. but its see through. then a window comes up saying kag engine has stopped working. then error report. i ran this game a while ago fine, but i re-installed after it disaperd from my computer, and now it doesn't work anymore? help!
  2. Run nolauncher.bat located in the main game folder.
  3. flipperz

    flipperz Shopkeep Stealer

    i need help again. data execution prevention is stoping the nolauncher from loading. please tell me if you can a way to disable it! :QQ:
  4. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor
