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KAG Interview - Ardivaba

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Karpovich, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. KAG Interview - Ardivaba

    Hello, Ardivaba. Thank you for taking time to have a little talk. How did You find about King Arthur’s Gold?
    Ardivaba> Hello Karpovich. I can't remember to be honest. I think I just found it while searching for something else and decided to download it. Needless to say, I fell in love with it instantly

    Karpovich> That's very nice. How often do you play King Arthur's Gold?
    Ardivaba> Almost everyday, it's pretty much the only game I play now. It's just so good you know...

    Karpovich> Yes indeed! Apart from playing, do you also work on something? Coding? Art?
    Ardivaba> Yes, I actually have quite a few KAG related coding projects I am working on. As you know I am King Arthur’s Gold Tester and I've been coding some interesting mods for that, and since the imagination is your only limitation when it comes to the new KAG version, you can expect to see some very cool stuff coming from me. Other than that I've been working on KAG Gather, this is to keep players competitive and to give them a perfect reason to play even more KAG, I can see how people will be playing daily just to keep their ranks in top 10. To be honest I have so many KAG related projects going on that I could talk about them all day, but let's not do that. Art for my projects is done by Monsteri and sounds by Schizoid, they are very, very talented guys, there is no artist in me though, sadly.

    Karpovich> That's amazing me! About the game, what is your favourite gamemode?
    Ardivaba> I really like Capture The Flag, but mostly when there are not many players in the server. Five versus five is perfect, because then I can really apply strategy to my gameplay and have perfect situational awareness. I am very competitive player and I always want to know what I have to do to make my team win. Sure 64 player servers are fun and all, but then it's all about fun, I can't really apply any valid game-winning strategy by myself, unless I start digging tunnels to enemies main base which is very boring activity in itself.

    Karpovich> Very interesting, what would be your favourite class?
    Ardivaba> Builder, definitely builder, because that is the only class which can really determine the course of the game. One builder supported by few knights can really easily push the front line forward, while one knight could only push that front line forward temporarily. If I'm not playing a clan match where there are fixed classes, I usually build a tall middle-ground tower, then double-bombjump from that tower to enemy base, light a bomb, drop it, grab a flag and bombjump back. If done right it will easily grant your team victory, this is very good strategy when your team has less tickets than enemy team and even if you fail to grab the flag you can really mess up their main-base workshops, which is also important.

    Karpovich> Good Sir! You mentioned double-bombjump, can You really do that and how often do You succeed doing it?
    Ardivaba> I always succeed in double-bombjump, but there is a lot of strategy involved in doing double-bombjumps aswell. Simply throwing a bomb on the ground and going for double-bombjump doesn't achieve anything, first you must have a goal you want to achieve with that bombjump. So forexample if I want to steal enemy flag as a result I first must make sure that I am able to fly over all the towers I want to. Then I must see if it is even possible to single-bombjump back, if not, I usually buy a second bomb after lighting my initial bomb, so that when I land I can double bomb-jump back from enemy base (double bomb-jumping back simply means that i went there to mess up their base as i can't do that with a flag on my hands). If the walls are too high for me to bombjump back, the initial jump is simply a waste of tickets. Also double bomb-jumping is dangerous when the server doesn't have gliding enabled, that way I must land on top of enemy tower so that I would even survive that jump, and if I plan to bombjump back there has to be enemy bed where I can heal otherwise it will again, be waste of tickets.

    Karpovich> What do you think about the new scripting build? Are you looking forward it? As a King Arthur's Gold Tester You probably have played the testing of it already, what are you thoughts about it?
    Ardivaba> New scripting build is absolutely mind blowing, developers have done absolutely amazing work. As far as the modding goes, your imagination is your only limitation which i stated previously. Kag developers are really good at what they are doing and i can't stress that enough. I am sure that the modders will be creating whole new games out of that new scripting build, fascinating times are coming. Want to play multiplayer Tetris? Launch Kag and join Tetris server, want to play multiplayer Bomberman instead? Launch Kag and join Bomberman server. I can't even start to imagine what modders will come up with. Obviously the modding is a huge part of the new build, but the core gameplay has also changed by a ten-fold, there is just so much more stuff to do and so much new strategy that you can implement in even the simplest of gamemodes. Overall...simply mind blowing.

    Karpovich> Thanks for Your time, Ardivaba. Hope You enjoyed this interview as much as I did.
    Ardivaba> I did, it was indeed very interesting conversation.
  2. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    This is cool, Have you/ will you do more?
  3. Yeah, I will surely do more.
  4. rocker2

    rocker2 Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Interview VanHuek!
    VanHuek and Froghead48 like this.
  5. That's a good idea, I will consider it.
    VanHuek and rocker2 like this.
  6. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    He will leak information