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KAG is not aware of Steam user on launch

Discussion in 'Archive' started by zeroth, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. zeroth

    zeroth Catapult Fodder

    Category: KAG Client

    Operating system: Mac OSX 10.9.1

    Build number: ? - 1047

    Description: Sometimes when Steam has lost connection to the internet (likely because I just woke my computer from hibernation) and I launch the game, KAG asks me to either link with Steam or log in with an account. It cannot authenticate with steam however, and just returns me to the user login screen. After quiting the game, I cannot quit Steam because it thinks KAG is still running. I also noticed when I launch KAG, if the Steam 'Shift+Tab' overlay doesn't appear then this problem will occur.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Leave Steam running and let it lose internet connection
    2. Launch KAG via Steam
    3. Try to authenticate with steam (which you will not be able to do)
    I would love to help get this bug resolved as it has been plaguing me since I started playing in December. Please let me know if you need more information.

    [Edited above with more information]
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  2. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Happened to me twice, but it's quite rare
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