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KAG Zombie Map Change Bug

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Gredd, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. Gredd

    Gredd Builder Stabber

    Firstly, I KNOW That Zombies Haven't Been Officially Released, I'm Just Wondering If Anyone Has Seen/Fixed This Issue.
    Alright, To The Shit:
    I Start Up KAG, And Join a Zombie Server, But, Ever Time The Map Changes, It Turns To Night And Every Block Is Black, With The only Way To Fix is Too Quit And Re-join. It's Very Annoying, Is Anyone Else Having This Problem?
  2. Shott1x

    Shott1x Catapult Fodder

    I've heard about a few players who has the same problems.. So chill out n wait till the Final Release comes out! Take care.
  3. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hi guys,

    Do me a favor and see if that bug/issue is reported at https://bugs.kag2d.com . If not, please wait until the next build comes out, then if it still happens in the next update, please report the bug at that link.

    If it does exist, please feel free to add any information you can about the issue
  4. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    That happens to me too, but what I do is move my view from under ground and to the surface. :) I find it's because Your camera is looking at the underground. If it doesn't work for you than don't mind me.