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kag2d.com server unconnectable

Discussion in 'General Help' started by hangphyr, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. hangphyr

    hangphyr Shark Slayer

    Ever since servers went down temporarily last month from the last big update, kag2d.com server isn't connectable anymore. I can proxy it, but any direct connection times out. This is related to both website and in-game login, making the game unplayable.

    I guess its apparently just a routing issue, anyone have idea how this could be fixed? I have no router access.

    Giving it an IP to connect to for the server in the hosts file would probably fix this right? Can anyone give me the server's IP?
  2. hangphyr

    hangphyr Shark Slayer

    Alright well I found the IP, but its entirely unconnectable. Not a software firewall issue, already checked.

    Without router access am I pretty much screwed on fixing this?